z/OS TSO/E Primer
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Displaying a sequential data set

z/OS TSO/E Primer

To display a sequential data set to edit, specify the first three qualifiers on the Edit – Entry Panel and leave the MEMBER field blank.
------------------------------  EDIT - ENTRY PANEL  ---------------------------

   PROJECT ===> prefix
   GROUP   ===> test     ===>            ===>            ===>
   TYPE    ===> data
   MEMBER  ===>                      (Blank for member selection list)

   DATA SET NAME     ===>
   VOLUME SERIAL     ===>            (If not cataloged)

   DATA SET PASSWORD ===>            (If password protected)

   PROFILE NAME      ===>            (Blank defaults to data set type)

   INITIAL MACRO     ===>            LOCK       ===> YES    (YES, NO or NEVER)

   FORMAT NAME       ===>            MIXED MODE ===> NO     (YES or NO)
When you press the Enter key, you see the contents of the data set. If the data set contains data, you see the data.
EDIT ---- PREFIX.SAMPLE.TEXT----------------------------------- COLUMNS 001 072
COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL ===> HALF
****** ************************ TOP OF DATA ************************************
000001 This is the first line.
000002 And this is the next one.
000003 This line is special and should be duplicated.
000004 This line is special and should be duplicated.
000005 This line belongs at the end.
****** *********************** BOTTOM OF DATA **********************************
If it is an empty data set, you see a blank edit display panel.
EDIT ---- PREFIX.NEW.DATA -------------------------------------- COLUMNS 001 072
COMMAND ===>                                                    SCROLL ===> HALF
****** ************************ TOP OF DATA ************************************
****** *********************** BOTTOM OF DATA **********************************

Notice the single quotation marks to the left of the panel. When you press the Enter key after typing information on the screen, the single quotation marks become line numbers. These line numbers label the records in the data set.


Edit a sequential data set that you previously allocated. If the data set is not empty, read the contents and press the END PF key (PF 3) to save the data and exit. If the data set is empty, press the Enter key and observe that the space disappears between the TOP OF DATA and BOTTOM OF DATA lines. Then press the END PF key (PF 3) to save the data set and exit.

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