z/OS TSO/E Command Reference
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LISTCAT command operands

z/OS TSO/E Command Reference

specifies the name of the catalog that contains the entries to be listed. When CATALOG is coded, only entries from that catalog are listed.
is the name of the catalog.
specifies the read level or higher-level password of the catalog that contains entries to be listed. When the entries to be listed contain information about password-protected data sets, a password must be supplied either through this operand or through the ENTRIES operand. If passwords are to be listed, you must specify the master password.
OUTFILE(ddname) | OFILE(ddname)
specifies a data set other than the terminal to be used as an output data set. The ddname can correspond to the name specified for the FILE operand of the ALLOCATE command. The data can be listed when the file is freed. The ddname identifies a DD statement that, in turn, identifies the alternate output data set. If OUTFILE is not specified, the entries are displayed at the terminal.
The normal output data set for listing is SYSPRINT. The default properties of this data set are:
  • Record format: VBA
  • Logical record length: 125, that is, 121+4
  • Block size: 629, that is, 5 x (121+4)+4

Print lines are 121 bytes in length. The first byte is the ANSI control character. The minimum specifiable LRECL is 121 (U-format records only). If a smaller size is specified, it is overridden to 121.

It is possible to alter the preceding defaults through specification of the desired values in the DCB operand of the SYSPRINT statement. The record format, however, cannot be specified as F or FB. If you do specify either one, it is changed to VBA.

In several commands, you have the option of specifying an alternate output data set for listing. If you do specify an alternate, you must specify DCB operands in the referenced DD statement. When specifying an alternate output data set, you should not specify F or FB record formats.

specifies the names of the entries to be listed. If neither ENTRIES nor LEVEL is coded, only the entries associated with the user ID are listed. For more information about the ENTRIES operand, see z/OS DFSMS Access Method Services Commands.
specifies the names or generic names of entries to be listed. Entries that contain information about catalogs can be listed only by specifying the name of the master or user catalog as the entry_name. The name of a data space can be specified only when SPACE is the only type specified. If a volume serial number is specified, SPACE must be specified.
Note: You can change a qualified name into a generic name by substituting an asterisk (*) for only one qualifier. For example, A.* specifies all two-qualifier names that have A as first qualifier; A.*.C specifies all three-qualifier names that have A for first qualifier and C for third qualifier. However, LISTCAT does not accept *.B as a valid generic name. The * is not a valid user ID for the first qualifier.
specifies a password when the entry to be listed is password protected and a password was not specified through the CATALOG operand. The password must be the read or higher-level password. If protection attributes are to be listed, you must supply the master password. If no password is supplied, the operator is prompted for each entry's password. Passwords cannot be specified for non-VSAM data sets, aliases, generation data groups, or data spaces.
LEVEL(level) | LVL(level)
specifies the level of entry_names to be listed. If neither LEVEL nor ENTRIES is coded, only the entries associated with the user ID are listed.
specifies cluster entries are to be listed. When the only entry type specified is CLUSTER, entries for data and index components associated with the clusters are not listed.
specifies entries for data components, excluding the data component of the catalog, are to be listed. If a cluster's name is specified on the ENTRIES operand and DATA is coded, only the data component entry is listed.
specifies entries for index components, excluding the index component of the catalog, are to be listed. When a cluster's name is specified on the ENTRIES operand and INDEX is coded, only the index component entry is listed.
specifies entries for volumes containing data spaces defined in this VSAM catalog are to be listed. Candidate volumes are included. If entries are identified by entry_name or level, SPACE can be coded only when no other entry_type restriction is coded.
specifies entries for non-VSAM data sets are to be listed. When a generation data group's name and NONVSAM are specified, the generation data sets associated with the generation data group are listed.
specifies entries for user catalogs are to be listed. USERCATALOG is applicable only when the catalog that contains the entries to be listed is the master catalog.
Note: When listing user catalogs, PROFILE NOPREFIX must be issued to ensure that all user catalogs will be found.
specifies entries for generation data groups are to be listed.
specifies entries for page spaces are to be listed.
specifies entries for alias entries are to be listed.
specifies entries are to be listed only if they were created no later than that number of days ago.
specifies entries are to be listed only if they expire no later than the number of days from now.
specifies the fields to be included for each entry listed. If no value is coded, NAME is the default.
With Storage Management Subsystem, the operands also list Storage Management Subsystem class names and the last backup data set.
specifies all fields are to be listed.
specifies names of the entries are to be listed. The default is NAME.
specifies the name, owner identification, creation date, and expiration date of the entries are to be listed.
specifies the name, owner identification, creation date, expiration date, entry type, volume serial numbers and device types allocated to the entries are to be listed. Volume information is not listed for cluster entries (although it is for the cluster's data and index entries), aliases, or generation data groups.
specifies the information provided by specifying VOLUME and detailed information about the allocation are to be listed. The information about allocation is listed only for data and index component entries.
with Storage Management Subsystem, indicates that the data class of the catalog is to be listed.
with Storage Management Subsystem, indicates that the management class of the catalog is to be listed.
with Storage Management Subsystem, indicates that the storage class of the catalog is to be listed.

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