z/OS TSO/E REXX User's Guide
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Exercises - Using the ARG Instruction

z/OS TSO/E REXX User's Guide

The left column shows the input values sent to an exec. The right column is the ARG statement within the exec that receives the input. What value does each variable assume?
Variables Receiving Input
1. 115 -23 66 5.8
ARG first second third
2. .2 0 569 2E6
ARG first second third fourth
3. 13 13 13 13
ARG first second third fourth fifth
4. Weber Joe 91
ARG lastname firstname score
5. Baker Amanda Marie 95
PARSE ARG lastname firstname score
6. Callahan Eunice 88 62
PARSE ARG lastname firstname score
  1. first = 115, second = -23, third = 66 5.8
  2. first = .2, second = 0, third = 569, fourth = 2E6
  3. first = 13, second = 13, third = 13, fourth = 13, fifth = null
  4. lastname = WEBER, firstname = JOE, score = 91
  5. lastname = Baker, firstname = Amanda, score = Marie 95
  6. lastname = Callahan, firstname = Eunice, score = 88

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