z/OS TSO/E REXX User's Guide
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Execs Using Double-Byte Character Set Names

z/OS TSO/E REXX User's Guide

You can use double-byte character set (DBCS) names in your REXX execs for literal strings, labels, variable names, and comments. Such character strings can be single-byte, double-byte, or a combination of both single- and double-byte names. To use DBCS names, you must code OPTIONS ETMODE as the first instruction in the exec. ETMODE specifies that those strings that contain DBCS characters are to be checked as being valid DBCS strings. DBCS characters must be enclosed within shift-out (X'0E') and shift-in (X'0F') delimiters. In the following example, the shift-out (SO) and shift-in (SI) delimiters are represented by the less than symbol ( < ) and the greater than symbol ( > ) respectively. 1 For example, <.S.Y.M.D> and <.D.B.C.S.R.T.N> represent DBCS symbols in the following examples.

Example 1

The following is an example of an exec using a DBCS variable name and a DBCS subroutine label.
/*   REXX  */
OPTIONS 'ETMODE'          /* ETMODE to enable DBCS variable names  */
j = 1
<.S.Y.M.D> = 10            /* Variable with DBCS characters between
                             shift-out (<) and shift-in (>)        */
CALL <.D.B.C.S.R.T.N>     /* Invoke subroutine with DBCS name      */
<.D.B.C.S.R.T.N>:         /* Subroutine with DBCS name             */
DO i = 1 TO 10
  IF x.i = <.S.Y.D.M> THEN  /* Does x.i match the DBCS variable's
                               value?                              */
    SAY 'Value of the DBCS variable is : ' <.S.Y.D.M>

Example 2

The following example shows some other uses of DBCS variable names with the EXECIO stem option, as DBCS parameters passed to a program invoked through LINKMVS, and with built-in function, LENGTH.
/*   REXX   */
OPTIONS 'ETMODE'           /* ETMODE to enable DBCS variable names */


/*   Use EXECIO to read lines into DBCS stem variables             */

"EXECIO * DISKR indd (FINIS STEM <.d.b.c.s__.s.t.e.m>."

IF rc = 0 THEN          /* if good return code from execio         */

  /*   Say each DBCS stem variable set by EXECIO                   */

  DO i = 1 TO <.d.b.c.s__.s.t.e.m>.0

    SAY "Line " i "==> " <.d.b.c.s__.s.t.e.m>.i


line1_<.v.a.l.u.e> = <.d.b.c.s__.s.t.e.m>.1  /* line 1 value */

line_len = length(line1_<.v.a.l.u.e>)  /* Length of line */

/* Invoke LINKMVS command "proca29" to process a line.             */
/* Two variable names are used to pass 2 parameters, one of        */
/* which is a DBCS variable name.  The LINKMVS host command        */
/* environment routine will look up the value of the two           */
/* variables and pass their values to the address LINKMVS          */
/* command, "proca29".                                             */

ADDRESS LINKMVS "proca29  line_len  line1_<.v.a.l.u.e>"


1 The SO and SI characters are non-printable.

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