z/OS TSO/E Guide to SRPI
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What You Need to Do to Write Servers

z/OS TSO/E Guide to SRPI

The following is an overview of the steps you need to follow when writing servers for MVSSERV. Subsequent chapters of the document give further details.

  1. Select or create a load module data set to contain the executable code for the server and initialization/termination program. If the server and initialization/termination program are in different load modules, the initialization/termination program must load the server (see Designing and Writing a Server Initialization/Termination Program for details).
  2. Write the server (see Designing and Writing a Server).
    • The server must:
      • Access the service request input in the CPRB.
      • Call the requested service function.
      • Perform the service, calling other servers if necessary.
      • Indicate the reply length in the CPRB.
      • Set the return code in register 15.
      • Return control to MVSSERV.
      • Provide recovery (optional).
    • Compile or assemble the server and link it to a load module.
  3. Write an initialization/termination program (see Designing and Writing a Server Initialization/Termination Program).
    • For initialization, the program must:
      • Load the server (if necessary).
      • Obtain resources (if necessary).
      • Define the server to MVSSERV and pass a parameter list (parmlist) pointing to any resources.
  4. For termination, the program must:
    • Free any resources.
    • Delete the server (if loaded).
    • Compile or assemble the initialization/termination program and link it to a load module.
  5. Install the server and initialization/termination program (see Installing Programs and Data Sets for Use with MVSSERV).
    • Install the programs in a STEPLIB or system library.
    • Define the initialization/termination program to MVSSERV in the input parameter data set.
    • Allocate diagnosis data sets (optional):
      • Trace data set
      • Dump data set
      • Dump suppression data set
  6. Invoke MVSSERV to test your server (see Testing and Diagnosis).

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