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Sample CLISTs


This chapter contains examples of CLISTs that illustrate the CLIST functions described in previous chapters. The examples assume that the CLISTs reside in a PDS allocated to SYSPROC.

Table 1 lists the names of the CLISTs and provides short descriptions of the functions they illustrate. Many of these CLISTs include examples of symbolic variables, control variables, built-in functions, and conditional sequences.

Table 1. Sample CLISTs and their functions
CLIST Function Reference
LISTER Including TSO/E commands Figure 1
DELETEDS Simplifying routine tasks Simplifying routine tasks - the DELETEDS CLIST
CALC Creating arithmetic expressions from user supplied input Figure 1
CALCFTND Performing front-end prompting Using front-end prompting - the CALCFTND CLIST
SCRIPTDS Initializing and invoking system services Initializing and invoking system services - the SCRIPTDS CLIST
SCRIPTN Invoking CLISTs to perform subtasks Invoking CLISTs to perform subtasks - the SCRIPTN CLIST
SUBMITDS Including JCL; performing front-end prompting Including JCL statements - the SUBMITDS CLIST
SUBMITFQ Performing substringing; adding flexibility Analyzing input strings with &SUBSTR - the SUBMITFQ CLIST
RUNPRICE Allowing foreground or background submittal of jobs Allowing foreground and background execution of programs - the RUNPRICE CLIST
TESTDYN Providing invoker with options and performing initialization based on options specified Including options - the TESTDYN CLIST
COMPRESS Simplifying routine, system-related tasks Simplifying system-related tasks - the COMPRESS CLIST
CASH Simplifying invoker's interface to complex applications Simplifying interfaces to applications - the CASH CLIST
PHONE Performing I/O; reading records into &SYSDVAL Using &SYSDVAL when performing I/O - the PHONE CLIST
SPROC Using &SYSOUTTRAP and &SYSOUTLINE variables to manage command output Allocating data sets to SYSPROC - the SPROC CLIST
PROFILE Using ISPF dialog management services in CLISTs to create full-screen applications Writing full-screen applications using ISPF dialogs - the PROFILE CLIST
EXPAND Using LISTDSI statement to allocate a new data set with characteristics of an existing data set. Allocating a data set with LISTDSI information - the EXPAND CLIST

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