z/OS TSO/E Programming Services
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Syntax and Parameters

z/OS TSO/E Programming Services

Applications can invoke ICQCPC10 with the following syntax. All the parameters are optional keyword parameters. These invocation parameters override any conflicting parameters in the print definition table.
%ICQCPC10 + 
           NOTABLE + 
           DSNAME(dsname(member)) + 
           PLOC(loc) + 
           PFORM(form) + 
           BURST/NOBURST + 
           CHARS('set1 set2 … setn') + 
           COPIES(number) + 
           DEST('destination.userid') + 
           FCB('image-id[,ALIGN,VERIFY]') + 
           FORMS(forms name) + 
           FLASH('overlay-name[,count]') + 
           HOLD/NOHOLD + 
           MODIFY('module-name[,trc]') + 
           OPTCD('[J],[U]') + 
           OUTDES(name) + 
           UCS(ucs name) + 
           WRITER(external writer name)
specifies that ICQCPC10 will not retrieve ALLOCATE parameters from the temporary table created by printer selection. NOTABLE is required if the calling application invokes ICQCPC10 without printer selection and without PLOC and PFORM coded to specify a print definition. In that case, (NOTABLE required), a printer must be identified by an entry in the SYSOUT parameter.
specifies a data set or member to be printed. This overrides any data set named in the temporary table from the printer selection CLIST, ICQCPC00.
To specify a fully-qualified data set name, enclose it in three sets of single quotes. For example, to print ‘userid.CLIST’, specify:
PLOC(loc) | PLOC((lo c))
specifies printer location. Use double parentheses if the location contains embedded blanks. The location must match the LOCATION field of the desired print definition. If you specify PLOC, you must also specify PFORM to identify a unique print definition. NOTABLE is assumed.
specifies print format or style. Must match the PRINT FORMAT field of the desired print definition. If you specify PFORM, you must also specify PLOC to identify a unique print definition. NOTABLE is assumed.
specifies whether output from the 3800 printer is to be burst, trimmed, and stacked. Specify BURST or NOBURST.
CHARS(‘set1 set2’) | CHARS(set)
specifies the character sets (fonts) to be used.
COPIES(n) | COPIES(‘,(n,n,n,n)’)
specifies the number of printed copies or copy groups (for the 3800).
DEST(destination) | DEST(‘destination.userid’)
specifies the destination to which the output is to be sent.
specifies a forms-control buffer. You can specify the ID of the forms control image and, optionally, specify that the operator align the printer forms and verify that the image displayed on the printer is the correct one.
specifies a forms overlay for use on the 3800 printer and the number of copies to be printed with the overlay.
FORMS(forms name)
specifies that the output data set should be printed on a special output form.
specifies whether the data set is to be placed on a HOLD queue before printing.
specifies a copy modification module for the 3800 printer. The module contains data, such as headings, and information specifying where and on which copies to print them. The Table Reference Character (TRC) specifies character sets for use with the module. TRC corresponds to fonts specified in CHARS, which is required for use of TRC.
specifies formatting and data checking options. ‘J’ applies to the 3800 printer, and specifies that each line of output data begins with a print control character followed by a table reference character for the font required. ‘U’ applies to the 1403 or 3211 printers with the UCS feature, and the 3800 printer. It permits data checks and allows analysis by an error analysis routine.
OUTDES(name) | OUTDES(‘name,name,…’)
specifies that the output be printed using an output statement or statements named in the user's logon procedure.
specifies the system output data set and class. Required if you specify NOTABLE without PLOC and PFORM.
specifies a universal character set to be used in printing the output.
specifies a name for use in processing or selecting a SYSOUT data set. The writer name can contain 1 to 8 alphanumeric or special characters #, $, or @.

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