z/OS TSO/E Programming Services
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Return Codes from IKJCT441 on Entry Code TSVEUPDT

z/OS TSO/E Programming Services

IKJCT441 always places a return code in register 15. If the caller requests that a list of functions be performed, register 15 holds the first non-zero return code issued by IKJCT441 when processing the individual requests. Further return codes from individual requests do not change the content of register 15. If all individual request are performed successfully, register 15 contains a return code of 0.

If the calling program specifies the RETCODE parameter, IKJCT441 also places the return code in the RETCODE parameter. This allows the calling program to take the appropriate actions on return codes from individual requests.

Table 1. Return codes from IKJCT441 (entry code TSVEUPDT)
Return code dec(Hex) Meaning
0(0) IKJCT441 updated or created the variable.
12(C) The variable is a label, and IKJCT441 did not update it.
16(10) The variable is a CLIST built-in function or a control variable that the user cannot modify, such as &SYSDATE, and IKJCT441 did not update it.
24(18) The variable is a procedure name, and IKJCT441 did not update it.
32(20) A storage management (GETMAIN/FREEMAIN) failure occurred.
36(24) For CLIST variables:
  • The length of the variable name is less than 1 or greater than 252.
  • The length of the variable value is less than zero or greater than 32,767.
For REXX variables:
  • See return code 80(50) below.
  • The length of the variable value is less than zero or greater than 32,767.
40(28) One of the following situations occurred:
  • The caller's parameter list contains an error.
  • The caller of IKJCT441 is not activated via a CLIST or REXX exec.
  • The caller attempted to access a REXX variable pool while another program or REXX exec was accessing the same variable pool.
44(2C) The entry code is not valid.
80(50) The variable name is not valid for REXX, or the length of the REXX variable name is less than 1 or greater than 250.
81(51) A TSO/E REXX routine issued a failing return code.

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