z/OS TSO/E Programming Services
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Building the PUTLINE Parameter Block

z/OS TSO/E Programming Services

When the list form of the PUTLINE macro instruction expands, it builds a three-word PUTLINE parameter block (PTPB). The list form of the macro instruction initializes the PTPB according to the operands you have coded in the macro instruction. The initialized block, which you can later modify with the execute form of the PUTLINE macro instruction, indicates to the PUTLINE service routine the function you want performed. You must supply the address of the PTPB to the execute form of the PUTLINE macro instruction. Because the list form of the macro instruction expands into a PTPB, all you need do is pass the address of the list form of the macro instruction to the execute form as the PARM value.

The PUTLINE parameter block is defined by the IKJPTPB DSECT, which is provided in SYS1.MACLIB. Table 1 describes the contents of the PTPB.

Table 1. The PUTLINE parameter block
Number of bytes Field name Contents or meaning
2   Control flags. These bits describe the output line to the PUTLINE service routine.
Byte 1:
..0. ....
The output line is a message.
..1. ....
The output line is a data line.
...1 ....
The output line is a single level or a single line.
.... 1...
The output is multiline.
.... .1..
The output is multilevel.
.... ..1.
The output line is an informational message.
xx.x xx.x
Reserved bits.
Byte 2:
..1. ....
The format only function was requested.
.... ..1.
The output line is to be written in the language specified in the UPT.
xx.x xx.x
Reserved bits.
2   PUT options field. These bits indicate to the PUTLINE service routine which of the options you want to use for PUT.
Byte 1:
0... ....
Always set to 0.
...0 ....
WAIT processing has been requested. Control will be returned to the issuer of PUTLINE only after the output line has been placed into a terminal output buffer.
...1 ....
NOWAIT processing has been requested. Control will be returned to the issuer of PUTLINE whether or not a terminal output buffer is available.
.... 0...
NOHOLD processing has been requested. The Command Processor that issued the PUTLINE can resume processing as soon as the output line has been placed on the output queue.
.... 1...
HOLD processing has been requested. The Command Processor that issued the PUTLINE is not to resume processing until the output line has been written to the terminal or deleted.
.... .0..
NOBREAK processing has been requested. The output line will be printed only when the terminal user is not entering a line.
.... .1..
BREAKIN processing has been requested. The output line is to be sent to the terminal immediately. If the terminal user is entering a line, the user is to be interrupted.
.... ..00
EDIT processing has been requested.
.... ..01
ASIS processing has been requested.
.... ..10
CONTROL processing has been requested.

Byte 2: Reserved.

4 PTPBOPUT The address of the output line descriptor (OLD) if the output line is a message. The address of the fullword header preceding the data if the output line is a single data line. The address of a forward-chain pointer preceding the fullword data header, if the output is multiline data.
4 PTPBFLN Address of the format only line. The PUTLINE service routine places the address of the formatted line into this field.

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