Browsing multiple log blocks

Use IXGBRWSE REQUEST=READCURSOR with MULTIBLOCK=YES to read a set of consecutive log blocks in the specified direction and view. Mapping macro IXGBRMLT provides a mapping at the start of the buffer area (IXGBRMHD), that indicates the number of log blocks that are returned plus an offset to the last IXGBRMLT area in the buffer. IXGBRMLT also provides a mapping of the information returned for each log block on a MULTIBLOCK=YES request.

You can control how much information is returned about each log block with the RETBLOCKINFO parameter. When RETBLOCKINFO=NO is specified, system logger will return only enough information about each log block to allow the invoker to navigate through the buffer. If RETBLOCKINFO=YES is specified, system logger will return more information about each log block in the output buffer, but it will use more space in the caller's buffer since more information per log block is returned.

MAXNUMLOGBLOCKS can be used to limit the number of log blocks that will be returned in the buffer area. When a non-zero value is specified, system logger will not return more than this requested number of log blocks, even if there are more log blocks that meet the browse parameter criteria. If enough room is provided in the caller's buffer and there are sufficient log blocks that meet the browse criteria, system logger will return the requested maximum number of log blocks. If there is not enough room in the buffer, or there are fewer log blocks remaining than the requested maximum number, system logger will return as many of the remaining log blocks as fit into the caller's buffer.