The UNMAP service

Your program uses the UNMAP service to remove the association between a window in virtual storage and the object. Each UNMAP request must correspond to a previous MAP request. Note that UNMAP has no effect on the object. If you made changes in virtual storage but have not yet saved them, the system does not save them on the object when you issue UNMAP. UNMAP has two required parameters: ID and AREA, and two optional parameters: RETAIN and STOKEN.

The following examples show two ways to code the UNMAP service.

Hiperspace or data set object:
Data set object:

ID: The ID parameter you specify is the address of an eight-byte field in storage. That field contains the identifier associated with the object. The identifier is the same value that the IDENTIFY service returned, which is also the same value you specified when you issued the corresponding MAP request.

AREA: The AREA parameter specifies the address of a four-byte field in storage that contains a pointer to the start of the virtual storage to be unmapped. This address must point to the beginning of a window. It is the same address that you provided when you issued the corresponding MAP request.

RETAIN: RETAIN specifies the state that virtual storage is to be left in after it is unmapped, that is, after you remove the correspondence between virtual storage and the object.

Specifying RETAIN=NO with UNMAP indicates that the data in the unmapped window is to be freshly obtained.

If your object is a hiperspace, you cannot specify RETAIN=YES. If your object is a data set, you can specify RETAIN=YES.

Specifying RETAIN=YES on the corresponding UNMAP transfers the data of the object into the unchanged pages in the window. In this case, RETAIN=YES with UNMAP specifies that the virtual storage area corresponding to the unmapped window is to contain the last view of the object. After UNMAP, your program can still reference and change the data in this virtual storage but can no longer save it on the object unless the virtual area is mapped again.
  1. If you issue UNMAP with RETAIN=NO, and there are unsaved changes in the virtual storage window, those changes are lost.
  2. If you issue UNMAP with RETAIN=YES, and there are unsaved changes in the window, they remain in the virtual storage.
  3. Unmapping with RETAIN=YES has certain performance implications. It causes the system to read unreferenced pages, and maybe some unchanged ones, from the object. You must not unmap with RETAIN=YES if your object is a hiperspace.
  4. If the window is in a deleted data space, UNMAP works differently depending on whether you specify RETAIN=YES or RETAIN=NO. If you specify RETAIN=YES, the unmap fails and the program abends. Otherwise, the unmap is successful.

STOKEN: If you issued multiple maps under the same ID with different STOKENs, use STOKEN with UNMAP. If you do not specify STOKEN in this case, the system will scan the mapped ranges and unmap the first range that matches the specified virtual area regardless of the data space it is in. Issuing UNACCESS or UNIDENTIFY automatically unmaps all mapped ranges.