The SAVE service

The SAVE service writes changed pages from the window to the object if the changed pages are within the range to be saved. When you invoke SAVE, you specify one of the following:

For a SAVE request to be valid, the object must currently be accessed with MODE=UPDATE, under the same ID as the one specified on this SAVE request. Because you can map an object beyond its current end, the object might be extended when the SAVE completes if there are changed pages beyond the current end at the time of the ACCESS. On the other hand, the SAVE truncates the object if freshly obtained pages are being saved that are mapped in a range that extends to or beyond the end of the object and additional non-freshly obtained pages beyond the object area are not also being saved. In either case, the new object size is returned to your program if you specify the SIZE parameter.

When the system writes the pages from the window to the object, it clears (sets to zeroes) blocks in the object that are mapped to freshly obtained pages in the window if either one of the following conditions is true:
If you specified RETAIN=YES with MAP, SAVE treats pages in the window that you have not previously saved as changed pages and will write them to the object.
  1. Do not specify SAVE for a storage range that contains DREF or page fixed storage.
  2. If data to be saved has not changed since the last SAVE, no I/O will be performed. The performance advantages of using data-in-virtual are primarily because of the automatic elimination of unnecessary read and write I/O operations.
  3. The range specified with SAVE can extend beyond the end of the object.
  4. The system does not save pages of an object that is not mapped to any window.
  5. The system does not save pages in a window that lies outside the specified range.
The following example shows how to code the SAVE service for a hiperspace or data set object.

ID: The ID parameter tells the SAVE service which data object the system is writing to under which request. Use ID to specify the storage location containing the unique eight-byte name that was returned by IDENTIFY. You must have previously accessed the object with MODE=UPDATE under the same ID as the one specified for SAVE.

OFFSET and SPAN: Use the OFFSET and SPAN parameters to select a continuous range of object blocks within which the SAVE service can operate. OFFSET indicates the first block and SPAN indicates the number of blocks in the range. As in the MAP service, the offset and span parameters refer to object blocks; they do not refer to pages in the window. You cannot specify OFFSET and SPAN when you specify LISTADDR and LISTSIZE.

Specifying OFFSET=* or omitting OFFSET causes the system to use the default offset (zero). The zero offset does not omit or skip over any of the object blocks, and it causes the range to start right at the beginning of the object. Specifying SPAN=0, SPAN=*, or omitting SPAN gives you the default span. The default span includes the first object block after the part skipped by the offset, and it includes the entire succession of object blocks up to and including the object block that corresponds to the last page of the last window.

When SAVE executes, it examines each virtual storage window established for the object. In each window, it detects every page that corresponds to an object block in the selected range. Then, if the page has changed since the last SAVE, the system writes the page on the object. (If the page has not changed since the last SAVE, it is already identical to the corresponding object block and there is no need to save it.) Although SAVE discriminates between blocks on the basis of whether they have changed, it has the effect of saving all window pages that lie in the selected range. Specifying both OFFSET=* and SPAN=* or omitting both causes the system to save all changed pages in the window without exceptions.

To use the OFFSET parameter, specify the storage location containing the block offset of the first block to be saved. The offset of the first block in the object is zero. To use the SPAN parameter, specify the storage location containing the number of blocks in the range to be saved.

SIZE: When you specify SIZE after the SAVE completes, the system returns the size of the data object in the virtual storage location specified by the SIZE parameter. If you omit SIZE or specify SIZE=*, the system does not return the size value. If TYPE=DA, invoking SAVE can change the size of the object. If TYPE=HS, invoking SAVE has no effect on the size of the object.

LISTADDR: The LISTADDR parameter specifies the address of the first entry in the user list. Use this parameter and the LISTSIZE parameter when you specify a user list as input for SAVE.

LISTSIZE: The LISTSIZE parameter specifies the number of entries in the user list. Use this parameter and the LISTADDR parameter when you specify a user list as input for SAVE.

STOKEN: If you specify a user list as input for SAVE and a data space or hiperspace contains the window, you must specify STOKEN when you invoke SAVE. When you specify STOKEN, you provide an eight-byte input parameter that identifies the data space or hiperspace, and that was returned from DSPSERV CREATE.