Expired log stream token

There are conditions that will cause a log stream connection token to no longer be valid. This means that the unique log stream connection identifier, or the STREAMTOKEN, is no longer considered valid by system logger and the application receives an "expired log stream token" error response (refer to IxgRsnCodeExpiredStmToken in IXGCON macro) for Logger service requests using a stream token as input.

An expired log stream token can be the result of an application explicitly or implicitly disconnecting from a log stream, or it can be the result of an action within system logger from either the CFRM policy, system environmental conditions, or from internal or system logger component errors. When an application encounters an "expired stream token" condition unexpectedly, then it should re-connect to the log stream and obtain a valid stream token before making any subsequent Logger service requests.

An expired log stream can occur under the following conditions:
An expired log stream token not caused by application can occur under the following conditions:

Note that system logger will not disconnect a connector for log stream offload data set allocation errors or data set "full" conditions. The allocation of log stream offload data sets does not result in an "expired log stream token" condition.