Data-in-virtual sample program code (continued)

For a set request, the program determines whether the location to change does not extend past the maximum object size allowed. If the location is past the end of the current window, the program saves any existing changes to the object, and creates a window containing the page to be changed. It then changes the data in storage (but not in the linear data set).

For a display request, the program ensures the location to display is in the linear object (that is, within the mapped area).
* SET: See if the location to change is within the range of the current
* MAP. If not, save any changes, get a larger area and issue a new MAP.
         C     R1,VSIZEB           Area to change within current MAP?
         BL    LGUPDCHR            * Yes -- continue
         C     R1,CSIZEMX          Area to change within max allowed?
         BNL   LINVADDR            * No -- is error
         CLI   VSWUPDT,0           Any updates to current MAP ?
         BE    LNOSVE1             * Yes -- then
         DIV   SAVE,ID=VTOKEN      Save any changes
         LA    R2,5                Error code from SAVE
         LTR   R15,R15             SAVE ok ?
         BNZ   LERROR              * No -- quit
         MVI   VSWUPDT,0           Clear update flag
LNOSVE1  L     R3,VSIZEB           Eliminate old map and storage
         LTR   R3,R3               Any to free ?
         BZ    LNOFREE             * Yes -- then
         LA    R2,6                Error code from UNMAP
         LTR   R15,R15             UNMAP ok ?
         BNZ   LERROR              * No -- quit
         L     R1,VAREAPTR         R1 -> acquired storage
         FREEMAIN RU,A=(1),LV=(R3) Free the storage
LNOFREE  L     R2,VCHGADDR         Address of byte to change
         SRL   R2,12               R2 = page number - 1
         LA    R2,1(,R2)           R2 = page number to use
         ST    R2,VSIZEP           VSIZEP = MAP area in 4K units
         SLL   R2,12               R2 = size in bytes
         ST    R2,VSIZEB           VSIZEB = MAP area in bytes
         ST    R1,VAREAPTR         Save MAP area
         LA    R2,3                Error code
         LTR   R15,R15             MAP work ok ?
         BNZ   LERROR              * No -- quit
LGUPDCHR L     R1,VCHGADDR         R1 =  byte to change
         A     R1,VAREAPTR         R1 -> byte to change
         MVC   0(1,R1),VCARDV      Change the byte
         MVI   VSWUPDT,X'FF'       Show change made
         B     LGOODINP            Go print accept message
LDISP    EQU   *                   Display location contents
         L     R1,VCHGADDR         R1 =  location to display
         C     R1,VSIZEB           Ensure within current MAP
         BNL   LINVADDR            * If not, is error
         A     R1,VAREAPTR         R1 -> location to display
         MVC   VCARDV,0(R1)        Put into the card