Data-in-virtual sample program code (continued)

The program reads statements from SYSIN until it reaches end-of-file, or encounters a statement with an “E” in column 1. The program validates the location in the object to set or display, and branches to the appropriate routine to process the request.
* Loop reading from SYSIN. Process the statements.
* Treat EOF as if the user specified "E" as the function to perform.
LREAD    EQU   *                   Read first/next card
         MVI   VCARDF,C'E'         EOF will appear as "E" function
         LA    R4,L31B02           Return to L31B02 in 31-bit mode
         LA    R1,L24B02           Go to L24B02 in 24-bit mode
         BSM   R4,R1               R4 = A(X'80000000'+L31B02)
L24B02   GET   VSYSIN,VCARD        Get the next input request.
LEOF     EQU   *                   End-of-file branches here
         BSM   0,R4                Return to 31-bit mode at next instr
L31B02   EQU   *                   Get here in 31-bit mode
* Process request:
* E                      - End processing
* S aaaaaaaa v           - Set location X'aaaaaaaa' to v
* D aaaaaaaa             - Display location X'aaaaaaaa'
         CLI   VCARDF,C'E'         EOF function or EOF on data set ?
         BE    LCLOSE              * Yes -- go cleanup and terminate
         TRT   VCARDA,CTABTRT      Ensure A-F, 0-9
         BNZ   LINVADDV            * If not, is error
         MVC   VTEMP8,VCARDA       Save address
         TR    VTEMP8,CTABTR       Convert to X'0A'-X'0F', X'00'-X'09'
         PACK  VCHGADDR(5),VTEMP8(9) Make address
         L     R1,VCHGADDR         Address
         LA    R1,0(,R1)           Clear hi-bit
         ST    R1,VCHGADDR         Save address to change/display
         CLI   VCARDF,C'D'         Display requested ?
         BE    LDISP               * Yes -- go process
         CLI   VCARDF,C'S'         Set requested ?
         BNE   LINVFUNC            * No -- is invalid statement