Example of F5SA

In this example, a primary mode target program receives control from calling program that provided a 72-byte word-aligned save area pointed to by GPR  13. The calling program can make the call through the following two instructions:

L 15,=V(PGM)
BASR 14,15

The target program saves the calling program's registers into the save area that the calling program provides. It uses the GETMAIN macro to obtain storage for its own save area. The code is in 31-bit addressing mode and is reentrant.

PGM CSECT                                                                 
PGM AMODE 31                                                              
PGM RMODE 31                                                              
      SYSSTATE ARCHLVL=2                                                  
      STM   14,12,SAVGRS14-SAVER(13)                                      
*                              Save caller's registers in caller-         
*                              provided R13 savearea                      
      CNOP  0,4                                                           
      BRAS  12,*+8                                                        
      DC    A(STATIC_DATA)                                                
      L     12,0(12,0)         Set up to address of static data           
      USING STATIC_DATA,12                                                
      SRLG  0,0,32     Move high half of GPR 0 into low half of GPR 0     
      LR    2,0        Save high half of GPR 0 in low half of GPR 2       
      SRLG  1,1,32     Move high half of GPR 1 into low half of GPR 1     
      LR    3,1        Save high half of GPR 1 in low half of GPR 3       
      SRLG  15,15,32   Move high half of GPR 15 into low half of GPR 15   
      LR    4,15       Save high half of GPR 15 in low half of GPR 4      
      GETMAIN RU,LV=SAVF5SA_LEN Get my reentrant savearea                 
      STG 13,SAVF5SAPREV-SAVF5SA(,1)                                      
*                              Save caller's savearea address in my       
*                              savearea (backward chain)                  
      STMH 2,14,SAVF5SAG64HS2-SAVF5SA(1)                                  
      ST    2,SAVF5SAG64HS0-SAVF5SA(1)                                    
      ST    3,SAVF5SAG64HS1-SAVF5SA(1)                                    
      ST    4,SAVF5SAG64HS15-SAVF5SA(1)                                   
      MVC   SAVF5SAID-SAVF5SA(4,1),=A(SAVF5SAID_VALUE)                    
*                              Set ID into savearea to indicate how
*                              caller's regs are saved
      LGR   13,1               Put my savearea address in R13             
* End of entry code. Begin program code here . . .                        
* Begin exit code                                                         
      LGR   1,13                 Copy my savearea address                 
      LMH   2,14,SAVF5SAG64HS2-SAVF5SA(13)                                
*                              Restore high halves                        
      LG    13,SAVF5SAPREV-SAVF5SA(,13)                                   
*                              Restore caller's savearea address          
      FREEMAIN RU,A=(1),LV=SAVF5SA_LEN Free my reentrant savearea         
      SLR   15,15                Set return code of zero                  
      L     14,SAVGRS14-SAVER(,13) Restore caller's R14                   
      LM    2,12,SAVGRS2-SAVER(13) Restore caller's R2-R12                
      BR    14 Return to caller                                           
STATIC_DATA DS 0D                                                         
* Begin static data here        
* ...                           
PGM   CSECT                     
      LTORG ,                   