Steps for a destructive update of an existing structure-based log stream

Use this sample procedure to perform a destructive update, which will delete the log stream and any existing data.

  1. Cause the exploiter to disconnect from the original-log-stream log stream.
  2. Confirm that no connections remain to the log stream in the sysplex. For example, you can issue the following system command:
    DISPLAY LOGGER,L,LSN=original-log-stream

    The status will be AVAILABLE when there are no more connections.

  3. Delete the original-log-stream log stream from the LOGR policy.
  4. Delete the original-structure structure from the LOGR policy.
  5. Redefine the structure in the LOGR policy with the original-structure name and attributes MAXBUFSIZE, AVGBUFSIZE, and LOGSNUM, as needed.
  6. Redefine the log stream in the LOGR policy with the original-log-stream name and map it to the redefined original-structure structure.
  7. Cause the exploiter to connect to the newly defined original-log-stream log stream.
  8. Confirm that the exploiter is connected on the expected z/OS images. For example:
    DISPLAY LOGGER,L,LSN=original-log-stream