z/OS MVS Programming: Extended Addressability Guide
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Using the ADMF

z/OS MVS Programming: Extended Addressability Guide

To use ADMF support for hiperspaces, design your program to do the following:

  1. Determine if the ADMF is available by issuing the IOSADMF macro with the QUERY parameter.
  2. Create a hiperspace by issuing the DSPSERV macro with the CREATE parameter.

    Use caution if you specify CASTOUT=NO when creating a hiperspace. Because CASTOUT=NO discourages the system from reclaiming expanded storage areas, the amount of expanded storage available for system use is decreased.

  3. Obtain an ALET associated with the hiperspace by issuing the ALESERV macro with the STOKEN received from issuing the DSPSERV CREATE.
  4. Put data in the hiperspace by issuing the HSPSERV macro.

    You cannot use IOSADMF to transfer data until the hiperspace already contains data. If the hiperspace storage gets reclaimed, you must add data to the hiperspace again with HSPSERV. (If the hiperspace is a standard hiperspace, HSPSERV will retrieve data from auxiliary storage to refresh the hiperspace data.)

  5. Use the IOSADMF macro with the hiperspace's ALET to transfer data to and from the hiperspace.

    The IOSADMF macro AREAD request transfers data from the hiperspace to the program's primary address space. The IOSADMF macro AWRITE request transfers data from the user's primary address space to the hiperspace. If the IOSADMF macro is issued before data is added to the hiperspace, the IOSADMF request will fail. A program cannot issue an IOSADMF macro AWRITE request to an area of a hiperspace that has a DIV SAVE in progress.

  6. If your program receives a return code 4, you can try the same operation using the HSPSERV macro. When designing your program to use IOSADMF, check the specific actions for the IOSADMF return and reason code in z/OS MVS Programming: Authorized Assembler Services Reference EDT-IXG to determine when you can attempt the same operation using HSPSERV instead of IOSADMF.

More than one IOSADMF request can be active for a hiperspace. When you have more than one active IOSADMF request, keep track of the requests and ensure that all data transfer is complete before deleting the hiperspace. If there are outstanding active requests and you issue DSPSERV DELETE for a hiperspace, your program will abnormally end and the hiperspace will not be deleted. If you cannot determine whether all outstanding IOSADMF requests have completed, you can issue IOSADMF APURGE to stop any outstanding requests.

IOSADMF APURGE should be used only as a last resort because of data integrity concerns. IOSADMF APURGE immediately stops data transfer for every outstanding IOSADMF request for the specified hiperspace, regardless of the state of those data transfers, and abnormally ends any active operation to the hiperspace. If a new request is subsequently started for the specified hiperspace, the request will process.

If you have a single unit of work that creates the hiperspace, issues the IOSADMF requests, and deletes the hiperspace, you do not have to be concerned about outstanding requests; the system completes the data transfer before processing the delete request. The following is an example of data transfer using the ADMF.
*02* Description = Sample program to illustrate how to use the        *
*                  IOSADMF services.                                  *
*                                                                     *
*                                                                     *
*02* Function =                                                       *
*                                                                     *
*              ADMFSAMP does not perform any useful work;             *
*              however it does illustrate how the IOSADMF             *
*              services are used.  ADMFEXMP will create a             *
*              hiperspace, create an address space buffer,            *
*              initialize the address space buffer, use               *
*              HSPSERV to write data to the hiperspace                *
*              from the address space buffer, and then                *
*              use IOSADMF to read data from the hiperspace           *
*              back into the address space buffer.                    *
*              In more detail, here is what ADMFEXMP does:            *
*               - Changes mode to supervisor state key 0.             *
*                 IOSADMF requires the caller to be authorized.       *
*               - Obtains a dynamic area.  ADMFSAMP is                *
*                 reentrant and therefore requires a                  *
*                 dynamic area.  ADMFSAMP was written                 *
*                 as a reentrant routine for illustration             *
*                 and independence of caller's mode or                *
*                 key.                                                *
*               - Determines if ADMF is available on the              *
*                 current machines by issuing IOSADMF with            *
*                 the AQUERY service.                                 *
*               - Creates a hiperspace                                *
*               - Obtains an address space buffer area and            *
*                 clears it.                                          *
*               - Initializes the address space buffer area           *
*               - Writes the address space buffer pages to            *
*                 the hiperspace                                      *
*               - Clears the address space buffer area                *
*               - Fixes the page address space storage                *
*               - Uses IOSADMF to read the hiperspace pages           *
*                 back into the address space storage areas           *
*               - Cleans up resources and returns to caller           *
*                                                                     *
*              Again, this routine is only for illustration           *
*              purposes.                                              *
*                                                                     *
*                                                                     *
*      SECURITY NOTICE = This sample should be used ONLY on a test    *
*                        system.  It does not contain authorization   *
*                        checking required for running on a           *
*                        production system.                           *
*                                                                     *
*      ENVIRONMENT:  AMODE = 31                                       *
*                    RMODE = 31                                       *
*                    STATE = SUPERVISOR                               *
*                    KEY   = 0                                        *
*                    RENT  = YES                                      *
*                                                                     *
*                                                                     *
*      INPUT:  NONE                                                   *
*                                                                     *
*      REGISTER USAGE:                                                *
*               R9  BASE REGISTER FOR LOAD MODULE                     *
*               R6  POINTS TO DYNAMIC AREA                            *
*           ALL OTHERS STANDARD USAGE                                 *
ADMFEXMP AMODE 31                      31-BIT ADDRESSING MODE
ADMFEXMP RMODE ANY                     Rmode any
         SPACE 1
*         REGISTER ASSIGNMENTS                                        *
R0       EQU   0
R1       EQU   1
R2       EQU   2
R3       EQU   3
R4       EQU   4
R5       EQU   5
R6       EQU   6                     Dynamic area register
R7       EQU   7
R8       EQU   8
R9       EQU   9                     Module base register
R10      EQU   10
R11      EQU   11
R12      EQU   12
R13      EQU   13
R14      EQU   14
R15      EQU   15
         SPACE 3
         TITLE 'ADMFEXMP -  ADM Sample for AQUERY'
*                                                                     *
*        Standard Entry Linkage                                       *
*                                                                     *
         PRINT GEN
         USING *,R9               Sets up base reg
         LR    R9,R15             Establish module base
ENTRY    STM   R14,R12,12(R13)    Save caller's regs
         LA    R0,DYNSIZE         Load length of dynamic area
         STORAGE OBTAIN,LENGTH=((R0)),SP=233 Gets dynamic area
         LR    R6,R1              Gets dynamic area address
         USING DYNAREA,R6         Sets up dynamic area
         ST    R13,SAVEBK         Save caller's save area addr
         ST    R6,SAVEFW          Save ADMFEXMP save area address
         B     MAINLINE
         DC    CL8'ADMFEXMP'
         DC    CL8'&SYSDATE'
         DC    CL8'&SYSTIME'
         TITLE 'ADMFEXMP - ADMF mainline '
*                                                                     *
*        MAINLINE                                                     *
*                                                                     *
              L     10,X'10'             Load CVT pointer
              USING CVT,10
              TM   CVTDCB,CVTOSEXT     Is the OSLEVEL extension present
              BNO  NO_ADMF              No, pre-MVS/SP Version 3 system
              TM   CVTOSLV1,CVTH4430    Running on version HBB4430?
              BNO  NO_ADMF              No, pre-HBB4430 system.  ADMF
*                                        supported on HBB4430 and above
*             Running on HBB4430 system.  Must determine if ADMF
*             software and hardware have been installed on this
*             processor
*                                                                     *
*        Issues the IOSADMF macro with the AQUERY parameter           *
*        to determine if the ADMF hardware and software are           *
*        available.                                                   *
*                                                                     *
*        Note - the IOSADMF macro may be issued on an HBB4430         *
*        system, however, the full support for ADMF requires          *
*        the ADMF PTF as well as hardware support.                    *
*                                                                     *
              IOSADMF AQUERY,                                          X
               CROSSOVER=CROSSOVER_#,                                  X
               RETCODE=ADMF_INSTALLED_RC,                              X
               RSNCODE=REASONCODE,                                     X
              L R15,ADMF_INSTALLED_RC    Obtains return code from
*                                        parameter list
              LTR R15,R15                Test for 0 return code
              BNZ  NO_ADMF
ADMF_INSTALLED DS   0H                       ADM support is available
*  ADMF is installed and available.  Begin function processing to
*   illustrate how ADMF is used
              BAL      R14,CREATE_HS     Build Hiperspace
              LTR      R15,R15           Test for 0 return code
              BNZ      EXIT              Exit if bad RC
              BAL      R14,AS_STORAGE    Get address space storage
              BAL      R14,INIT_AS       Initialize addr space storage
              BAL      R14,ISSUE_HSPSERV Initialize HS space storage
              LTR      R15,R15           Test for 0 return code
              BNZ      EXIT              Exit if bad RC
              BAL      R14,ISSUE_IOSADMF Use ADMF to read data from HS
* Begins clean up operations
              LR      R3,R1              Loads area addr in R3
              A       R3,LENGTH_AS_AREA  Adds length of area to addr
              BCTR    R3,0               Subtracts 1 to get end addr
              PGSER R,FREE,A=(R1),EA=(R3),ECB=0
              L        R3,LENGTH_AS_AREA
              B        EXIT
NO_ADMF       DS       0H
*    ADM support is either not installed or not
*    available on this release
         WTO   'ADMFEXMP - ADMF not installed. Sample ends',           X
                LA    R3,12                   Loads failing return code
                ST    R3,RETURNCODE           Stores return code for   X
                                              future use
EXIT            DS    0H
                L     R13,SAVEBK              Reloads caller's save
*                                             area addr into 11
                L     R12,RETURNCODE          Saves return code
*                                             in reg 12
                LA    R0,DYNSIZE              Loads dynamic area size
*               FREEMAIN R,LV=(0),A=(6),SP=233 Frees dynamic area
                STORAGE RELEASE,SP=233,ADDR=(R6),LENGTH=(R0)
                LM    R14,R11,12(R13)         Loads return regs
                LR    R15,R12                 Loads return code
                BR    R14                     Returns to caller
         SPACE 2
* Subroutine to create Hiperspace
*  DSPSERV creates a non-shared standard hiperspace
*  Since this sample is for illustration only, the hiperspace size
*  will be one block, or one page, larger than the CROSSOVER value.
CREATE_HS     DS       0H                Create Hiperspace routine
              STM      R14,R12,12+LCL_SAVEAREA Save registers
              L        R1,CROSSOVER_#    Obtains the CROSSOVER #
              AL       R1,=F'1'          Adds one to the CROSSOVER
              ST       R1,NUM_BLOCKS     Stores the number of blocks
         DSPSERV CREATE,                                               X
               NAME=HSNAME,                                            X
               TYPE=HIPERSPACE,                                        X
               HSTYPE=SCROLL,                                          X
               SHARE=NO,                                               X
               BLOCKS=NUM_BLOCKS,                                      X
               STOKEN=HSSTOKEN,                                        X
               ORIGIN=HSORIG,                                          X
              ST       R15,RETURNCODE    Saves return code
              LTR      R15,R15           Test for 0 return code
              BNZ      SKIP_ALESERV      Skip ALESERV if bad RC
*  The IOSADMF service requires an ALET as input.  The following
*  ALESERV service will place the hiperspace ALET on the program's
*  access list.
         ALESERV ADD,                                                  X
               STOKEN=HSSTOKEN,                                        X
               ALET=HSALET,                                            X
               AL=WORKUNIT,                                            X
              LM      R14,R12,12+LCL_SAVEAREA Load Register
              L        R15,RETURNCODE    Loads return code
              BR      R14                Returns to caller
* Subroutine to obtain and initialize address space storage areas
AS_STORAGE    DS       0H                Obtains address space storage
              STM      R14,R12,12+LCL_SAVEAREA Save registers
              L        R5,ONE_PAGE
              L        R3,NUM_BLOCKS     Loads the size of hiperspace
*                                        NOTE: For this sample, the
*                                              hiperspace and address
*                                              space areas are made to
*                                              be the same size for
*                                              simplicity.
              MR       R2,R5             Calculates length of storage
*                                        to obtain
              ST       R3,LENGTH_AS_AREA
              ST      R1,ASPTR           Saves the addr of data area
              L       R2,ASPTR           Loads R2 with address of
*                                         the obtained area in
*                                         preparation for clearing
*                                         using the MVCL.
              L       R3,LENGTH_AS_AREA  Loads length of area into R3
              SR      R4,R4              Setting R4/R5 pair to zero
              SR      R5,R5               tells MVCL to clear area
              MVCL    R2,R4              Clear obtained area
              LM      R14,R12,12+LCL_SAVEAREA Load Register
              BR      R14                Returns to caller
* Subroutine to initialize the address space area with data to be
* stored in the hiperspace.
* This subroutine loops through all of the address space buffer
* pages and initializes each page with some text data.
* The data placed in the address space buffer area is dummy data
* for illustration.  It places some text at the top of each
* page and places the page number in hex after the text.
INIT_AS       DS       0H                Initialize addr space area
              STM      R14,R12,12+LCL_SAVEAREA Save registers
BLOCK_INDEX   EQU      R2                Make loop control easier to   X
                                         read by using equate for index
AS_POINTER    EQU      R3                Make address space area easierX
                                         to follow by using equate
              LA       BLOCK_INDEX,1     Initializes block index
              L        AS_POINTER,ASPTR  Gets addr space pointer
              USING    PAGE_MAP,AS_POINTER  Use the PAGE_MAP dummy     X
INIT_LOOP     DS       0H                Beginning of WHILE loop
              CL       BLOCK_INDEX,NUM_BLOCKS  IF block_index greater  X
                                               num_blocks THEN
              BH       INIT_COMPLETE     Exits loop if complete
              MVC      PAGE_TEXT_TAG,BLOCK_CONST     Place text tag
              ST       BLOCK_INDEX,PAGE_INDEX_TAG    Place hex tag
              AL       BLOCK_INDEX,=F'1'             Index to next page
              AL       AS_POINTER,ONE_PAGE           Point to next page
              B        INIT_LOOP
              LM      R14,R12,12+LCL_SAVEAREA        Load Register
              BR      R14                            Returns to caller
* Subroutine to Initialize the Hiperspace
* ---------------------------------------
*  HSPSERV initializes hiperspace blocks.  Before the hiperspace
*  can be used by IOSADMF, it must be initialized using the HSPSERV
*  service.  The HSPSERV service causes hiperspace pages to be
*  backed with actual expanded storage pages.  Even though ADMFEXMP
*  created the hiperspace earlier, the system does not actually
*  allocate expanded storage pages until data is placed into them.
*  The following HSPSERV service will cause expanded storage pages
*  to be backed.
ISSUE_HSPSERV DS       0H                Initialize hiperspace routine
              STM      R14,R12,12+LCL_SAVEAREA Save registers
              L        R2,ASPTR          Loads address space pointer
              ST       R2,ASPTR1         Saves address space pointer   X
                                          in range list
              L        R2,HSORIG         Loads hiperspace block pointer
              ST       R2,HSORIG1        Saves hiperspace pointer in   X
                                          range list
              L        R2,NUM_BLOCKS     Loads number of blocks to move
              ST       R2,NUMBLKS1       Saves number of blocks to     X
                                          move in range list
              LA       R2,SWRITLST       Loads address of ranglist
              ST       R2,SWRITADDR      Saves address of ranglist
              LA       R13,HSP_SAVEAREA
         HSPSERV SWRITE,                                               X
               STOKEN=HSSTOKEN,                                        X
               HSPALET=HSALET,                                         X
               RANGLIST=SWRITADDR,                                     X
              ST       R15,RETURNCODE    Saves return code
              LM       R14,R12,12+LCL_SAVEAREA Load Register
              L        R15,RETURNCODE    Loads return code
              BR      R14                Returns to caller
* Subroutine to use the IOSADMF service to read data from hiperspace
* ------------------------------------------------------------------
ISSUE_IOSADMF DS       0H                Uses the IOSADMF service
              STM     R14,R12,12+LCL_SAVEAREA Save registers
              LR      R3,R1              Loads area addr in R3
              A       R3,LENGTH_AS_AREA  Adds length of area to addr
              BCTR    R3,0               Subtracts 1 to get end addr
              PGSER R,FIX,A=(R1),EA=(R3),ECB=0
              L       R2,ASPTR           Loads R2 with address of      X
                                          the address space area in    X
                                          preparation for clearing     X
                                          using the MVCL.  R3 will     X
                                          contain the area's length
              L       R3,LENGTH_AS_AREA  Loads length to clear
              SR      R4,R4              Setting R4/R5 pair to zero
              SR      R5,R5               tells MVCL to clear area
              MVCL    R2,R4              Clear target area for the     X
                                          AREAD operation.  For        X
                                          illustration purposes, the   X
                                          address space area is        X
                                          reused for the ADMF AREAD
              L        R2,ASPTR          Loads address space pointer
              ST       R2,ASPTR2         Saves address space pointer   X
                                          in range list
              L        R2,HSORIG         Loads hiperspace block pointer
              ST       R2,HSORIG2        Saves hiperspace pointer in   X
                                          range list
              L        R2,NUM_BLOCKS     Loads number of blocks to move
              ST       R2,NUMBLKS2       Saves number of blocks to     X
                                          move in range list
              LA       R2,AREADLST       Loads address of ranglist
              ST       R2,AREADADDR      Saves address of ranglist
         IOSADMF AREAD,                                                X
               ALET=HSALET,                                            X
               RANGLIST=AREADADDR,                                     X
              ST       R15,RETURNCODE    Saves return code
              LM       R14,R12,12+LCL_SAVEAREA Load Register
              L        R15,RETURNCODE    Loads return code
              BR      R14                Returns to caller
*                                                                     .
*  Constants                                                          .
*                                                                     .
HSNAME        DC    CL8'ADMFHSPS'            Name for the hiperspace
ONE_PAGE      DC    F'4096'                  Length of one page of
*                                             storage
BLOCK_CONST   DC    CL7'Block #:'
*                                                                     .
*    DSECTs to map save areas and dynamic areas                       .
*                                                                     .
DYNSTART      DS    0H
*        Save area
SAVEXX        DS     F
SAVEBK        DS     F
SAVEFW        DS     F
SAVER14       DS     F
SAVER15       DS     F
SAVER0        DS     F
SAVER1        DS     F
              DS   11F
              DS   0D             Force doubleword alignment
*       Save area for internal subroutines
              SPACE 2
LCL_SAVEAREA  DS   18F            Local save area
HSP_SAVEAREA  DS   32F            HSPSERV save area
              DS   0D             Force doubleword alignment
*                                                                     .
*  List forms of macros.  The list and execute forms of these macros  .
*  are used because this module is reentrant.                         .
*                                                                     .
DSP_END       DS   0D
HSP_END       DS   0D
ADMF_END      DS   0D
ALES_END      DS   0D
*                                                                     .
*  Work variables and data structures local to this module            .
*                                                                     .
HSSTOKEN      DS    CL8                     STOKEN for the hiperspace
HSALET        DS    CL4                     ALET for the hiperspace
ASPTR         DS    1F                      Location of addr space
*                                            storage
NUM_BLOCKS    DS    F                       Number of blocks in
*                                            hiperspace
HSORIG        DS    F                       Hiperspace origin
CROSSOVER_#   DS    F                       Crossover number
SWRITADDR     DS    F                       Address of SWRITE ranglist
AREADADDR     DS    F                       Address of AREAD ranglist
ADMF_INSTALLED_RC DS F                      ADMF installed return code
LENGTH_AS_AREA DS   F                       Length of addr space area
WORKAREA      DS    CL144                   Work area for HSPSERV
               DS    0F
SWRITLST      DS    0CL12                   SWRITE range list
ASPTR1        DS    F                       Start of address space
HSORIG1       DS    F                       Target location in hiperspace
NUMBLKS1      DS    F                       Number of 4k blks in swrite
               DS    0F
AREADLST      DS    0CL12                   AREAD and SREAD range list
ASPTR2        DS    F                       Target location in AS
HSORIG2       DS    F                       Start of hiperspace source
NUMBLKS2      DS    F                       Number of 4k blocks in read
END_DYN       DS    0D
DYNSIZE       EQU   *-DYNAREA                Calculates Dynamic area
PAGE_DSECT   DSECT                           Mapping of a page
PAGE_MAP      DS    0CL4096
PAGE_TEXT_TAG DS    CL8                      Top of page tag
PAGE_INDEX_TAG DS   F                        Page index in hex
         SPACE 2
         END   ADMFEXMP

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