LOADWAIT - List form

Use the list form of the LOADWAIT macro together with the modify form of the macro for applications that require reentrant code. The list form of the macro defines an area of storage or initializes that storage. The modify form of the macro updates the parameters in the area previously defined by the list form.


The list form of the LOADWAIT macro is written as follows:

Syntax Description
   name name: Symbol. Begin name in column 1.
One or more blanks must precede LOADWAIT.
One or more blanks must follow LOADWAIT.
  Valid parameters (Required parameters are underlined)
,CODE=wait state code wait state code: Constant
   ,REASON=reason code reason code: Constant
   ,REASON=0 Default: REASON=0
   ,PSAPARM=PSA parm PSA parm: Constant
   ,PSAPARM=0 Default: PSAPARM=0
,MF=(L,list addr,attr) list addr: RX-type address.
  attr: 1- to 60-character input string. Default: 0F


The parameters are explained as follows:

Identifies the type of wait state to be loaded. WAITTYPE=RESTARTABLE indicates a restartable wait state. WAITTYPE=NONREST indicates a nonrestartable wait state.
,CODE=wait state code
Specifies a 2-byte wait state code. The contents of the leftmost 4 bits are irrelevant; the remaining 12 bits contain the wait state code. For more information about wait state codes, see z/OS MVS System Codes.
,REASON=reason code
Specifies a 2-byte wait state reason code. For more information about wait states and their reason codes, see z/OS MVS System Codes.
Specifies a fullword field that you can use for additional information, such as a pointer to a data area, or a system ID at the time you issue the LOADWAIT macro. This information is used for diagnostic purposes when the system enters a wait state. The PSAPARM parameter is valid only if you specify WAITTYPE=RESTARTABLE.

If you do not specify PSAPARM, the system initializes the field to zeroes.

,MF=(L,list addr,attr)
Specifies the list form of the LOADWAIT macro. list addr names the area that the system is to use for the parameter list. Use standard assembler variable naming conventions to name this area, and refer to the parameter list by the same name. Use this area name as input on the WSPARM parameter of the WTO macro.

attr is an optional 1- to 60-character string, which can contain any value that is valid on an assembler DS pseudo-op. You can use this parameter to force boundary alignment of the parameter list. If you do not code attr, the system provides a value of 0F, which forces the parameter list to a fullword boundary.

Return and reason codes


Example 1

Generate a parameter list to load a restartable wait state.
         DS   0D
WAIT062  EQU  X'62'                 * WAIT STATE CODE IS KNOWN

Example 2

Generate a parameter list to load a restartable wait state and specify a reason code and PSAPARM.
         DS   0D
WAIT114  EQU  X'114'                * WAIT STATE CODE IS KNOWN
REASON02 EQU  X'2'                  * REASON CODE IS KNOWN
OPERINFO EQU  X'C5E2C1E3'           * PSAPARM = 'ESAT'

Example 3

Generate a parameter list to load a nonrestartable wait state.
         DS   0D
WAIT093  EQU  X'093'                * WAIT STATE CODE