z/OS DFSMSrmm Reporting
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EDGSMFSY: SMF record symbols

z/OS DFSMSrmm Reporting

EDGSMFSY provides the DFSORT symbol mapping for the DFSMSrmm SMF records. For SMF audit records that use a user-written record type 128 to 255, concatenate the EDGSMFSY and EDGSRCSY macros, as shown in this example:
Here are the contents of EDGSMFSY:
*********************************************************************** 00050000
*                                                                     * 00100000
*  RMM Inventory Management SMF Audit Record type 42 subtype 22       * 00150000
*      DFSORT Symbol mapping                                          * 00200000
*                                                                     * 00250000
*********************************************************************** 00300000
* z/OS DFSMSrmm V1R10                                                 * 00350000
*                                                                     * 00400000
*PROPRIETARY V3 STATEMENT                                             * 00450000
*LICENSED MATERIALS - PROPERTY OF IBM                                 * 00500000
*"RESTRICTED MATERIALS OF IBM"                                        * 00550000
*5694-A01                                                             * 00600000
*COPYRIGHT 1993 2008 IBM CORP.                                        * 00650000
*STATUS = HDZ1A10                                                     * 00700000
*END PROPRIETARY V3 STATEMENT                                         * 00750000
*                                                                     * 00800000
*********************************************************************** 00850000
* SEE "z/OS DFSMSrmm Reporting" FOR FIELD DETAILS ON RMM RECORDS      * 00900000
* SEE "DFSORT APG" FOR DETAILS OF USING SYMBOLS.                      * 00950000
*********************************************************************** 01000000
* CHANGE ACTIVITY:                                                    * 01050000
* $MZ=V1R10  ,1RA,070608,MB : SMF Forward Recovery               @MZA * 01100000
* $K0=K1A1214,1RA,070809,WS : hex representation of subtype      @K0A * 01125000
*********************************************************************** 01150000
*                                                                       01200000
*********************************************************************** 01250000
* Header for SMF record type 42                                       * 01300000
*********************************************************************** 01350000
SMF42,1,8463                                                            01400000
  SMF42RCL,=,2,BI       Record Length                                   01450000
  SMF42SGD,*,2,BI       Segment Descriptor (RDW)                        01500000
  SMF42FLG,*,1,BI       System indicator flags                          01550000
    SMF42FSI,X'80'        When set=subsystem id follows system id       01600000
    SMF42FSU,X'40'        When set = subtypes are used                  01650000
    SMF42FXA,X'04'        When set = MVS/XA (SMF enters)                01700000
    SMF42FS2,X'02'        When set = VS2 (SMF enters)                   01750000
    SMF42FS1,X'01'        When set = VS1 (SMF enters)                   01800000
  SMF42RTY,*,1,BI       Record type: 42 (X'2A')                         01850000
  SMF42TME,*,4,BI       Record written time (in hundredths of second)   01900000
  SMF42DTE,*,4,PD       Record written date ('0CYYDDDF')                01950000
  SMF42SID,*,4,CH       System identification                           02000000
  SMF42SSI,*,4,CH       Subsystem Id                                    02050000
  SMF42STY,*,2,BI       Record subtype: 22 (X'0016')              @K0C  02100000
  SMF42NT,*,2,BI        Number of triplets                              02150000
  SKIP,2                Reserved                                        02200000
*********************************************************************** 02300000
* Product section triplet                                             * 02350000
*********************************************************************** 02400000
  SMF42OPS,*,4,BI       Offset to product section                       02450000
  SMF42LPS,*,2,BI       Length of product section                       02500000
  SMF42NPS,*,2,BI       Number of product sections                      02550000
*********************************************************************** 02650000
* SMF42 subtype 22 header section                                     * 02700000
*  (DFSMSrmm Audit Information)                                       * 02750000
*********************************************************************** 02800000
  SMF4222AUD,*,4,BI     Offset to audit section                         02850000
  SMF4222LAD,*,2,BI     Length of audit section                         02900000
  SMF4222NAD,*,2,BI     Number of audit sections                        02950000
  SMF4222REC,*,4,BI     Offset to record section                        03000000
  SMF4222LRC,*,2,BI     Length of record section                        03050000
  SMF4222NRC,*,2,BI     Number of record sections                       03100000
*********************************************************************** 03200000
* Product Section                                                     * 03250000
*********************************************************************** 03300000
  SMF42PDL,*,8,CH       Product Level                                   03350000
  SMF42PDN,*,10,CH      Product Name                                    03400000
  SMF42PSV,*,1,BI       Subtype version number                          03450000
  SKIP,1                Reserved                                        03500000
  SMF42PTS,*,8,CH       Interval Start or Open TOD                      03550000
  SMF42PTE,*,8,CH       Interval End or Close TOD                       03600000
  SKIP,4                Reserved                                        03650000
*********************************************************************** 03750000
* DFSMSrmm Audit Information (SMF 42 subtype 22)                      * 03800000
*********************************************************************** 03850000
  SMF42MJBN,*,8,CH      Job name                                        03900000
  SMF42MRST,*,4,CH      Reader start time                               03950000
  SMF42MRSD,*,4,CH      Reader start date                               04000000
  SMF42MUID,*,8,CH      RACF user id                                    04050000
  SMF42MACT,*,1,CH      Activity type                                   04100000
    SMF42ADD,'A'          Record added                                  04150000
    SMF42CHG,'C'          Record changed                                04200000
    SMF42DEL,'D'          Record deleted                                04250000
  SMF42MFG1,*,1,BI      Flag 1                                          04300000
    SMF42MLIS,X'80'       Last in set                                   04350000
    SMF42MJRN,X'40'       Journal record available                      04400000
  SMF42MCVTSFLG,*,1,BI  Virtual tape server flag                        04450000
  SMF42MCENABLE,*,1,BI  Control record enable flag                      04500000
  SMF42MLDTO,*,8,PD     Local time/date offset                          04600000
  SMF42MCJNRECN,*,4,BI  Journal record number                           04650000
  SMF42MJNRECNUM,*,4,BI Number of next jn rec written                   04700000
  SMF42MCUPDVSI,*,4,BI  VSI when MCUPDACT set on                        04750000
  SMF42MCVSICNT,*,4,BI  VSI control count                               04800000
  SMF42MCVRLCTK,*,8,BI  VRSEL last change token                         04850000
  SMF42MCVRSCNT,*,4,BI  Current VRS change counter                      04900000
  SMF42MCVRSRUN,*,4,BI  Last HSKP VRS change counter                    04950000
  SMF42MCSYNCDT,*,4,BI  Catsynch date                                   05000000
  SMF42MCSYNCTM,*,4,BI  Catsynch time                                   05050000
*********************************************************************** 05150000
* START OF OVERLAY AREA                                               * 05200000
*********************************************************************** 05250000
SMFADREC,*              START OF INFORMATION                            05300000
*                                                                       05350000

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