z/OS DFSMSrmm Managing and Using Removable Media
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CHANGEVOLUME: Specific volume optional operands

z/OS DFSMSrmm Managing and Using Removable Media

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
   '-CV-----------'          |                      (1) |   


   |           .-+---+-------.           |   
   |           | '-,-'       |           |   
   |           V             |   (1) (2) |   

   |                            (3) (4) |   

   |                            (3) (4) |  |          (4)   |   
   '-+-ASTIME-+-(assigned_time)---------'  +-AUTOMOVE-------+   
     '-TIME---'                            |            (4) |   

   |                 (4) |  |           (4)         |   
   '-BIN(bin_number)-----'  '-CAPACITY(-----nn-mb-)-'   

   +-CLOSE-+  |                        (1) (3) |   
   '-OPEN--'  '-COMPACTION(-+-*----+-)---------'   

   |       (4)   |   

   |                       .-+---+-------.       |   
   |                       | '-,-'       |       |   
   |                       V             |   (1) |   
     '-CRLSE----------'      +-RETURN--+             

   |                           (3) |   

   |                     (4) |   

   |                    (3) (4) |   

   |                     (4) |   


   |           .-+---+-------.           |   
   |           | '-,-'       |           |   
   |           V             |   (1) (2) |   

   |                     (3) |  '-DESCRIPTION(text)-'   

   |                       (1) (3) |   

   |                               (3) |   
   '-ERROR(-| ERROR parameters |-)-----'   

   |        .-CONVENIENCE-.   (4) (5) |   

   |                        (1) |   
   |                        (1) |   

   |                      (1) |  |       (6) |  +-HOLD---+   
   '-FEATCD(feature_code)-----'  '-FORCE-----'  '-NOHOLD-'   

   |                                  (4) |   

   '-INITIALIZE(-+-Y-+-)-'  |                   (1) (3) |   
                 '-N-'      '-JOBNAME(job_name)---------'   

     | |                .-L-.    |  '-KEYLABEL1(keylabel1_name)-' |     
     | '-KEYENCODE1--(--+-H-+--)-'                                |     

     | |                .-L-.    |  '-KEYLABEL2(keylabel2_name)-' |     
     | '-KEYENCODE2--(--+-H-+--)-'                                |     

   |                 (3) |  |                (1) |   
   '-LABEL(-+-SL-+-)-----'  '-LEVEL(version)-----'   

   |                        (1) (3) (4) |   

   |                                          (4) |   
               |                      (1) |           
               |       (1)                |           
               |         (1)              |           
               |        (1)               |           

   |           (3) (4) |   

   |                                   (3) |   
                | '-ETC----'       |           
                | '-EWTC---'       |           
                | '-EETC---'       |           
                | '-EEWTC--'       |           
                | '-EXTC---'       |           
                | '-EXWTC---'      |           
                | '-EATC----'      |           
                | '-EAWTC---'      |           
                | '-EAETC---'      |           

   '-MEDINF(medinf_name)-'  |                   (3) |   

   '-NOABEND-'  |        (4) |   
                |      (4)   |   

   |                        (1) |   

   |                    (4)                    |   
   | '-NOSTORGRP------'                        |   
   |                                       (4) |   

   |            (3)             |   

   |                                (3) |   

   |                 (1) |  |                           (1) |   
   '-OWNER(owner_ID)-----'  '-OWNERACCESS(-+-ALTER--+-)-----'   

   |          (3)           |  |                   (4) (7) |   
   '-PERCENT(-----percent-)-'  +-POOL(pool_prefix)---------+   
                               |                   (4)     |   
                               |        (4)                |   

   |           (1)                |   
   |                          (1) |   

   |                          (1) (3) (4) |   

   |                                               (3) |   

   |                .-+---+--------.       |   
   |                | '-,-'        |       |   
   |                V              |   (1) |   

   '-REPLACE(-+-YES-+-)-'  '-REQUIREDLABELVERSION(-+-0-+-)-'   
              '-NO--'                              +-3-+       

   |                           (4) |   

   |                              (4) |   

   |                                (1) |   


   '-STATUS(-+-MASTER-+-)-'  |                      (4) |   
             '-USER---'      '-TYPE(-+-LOGICAL--+-)-----'   

   '-TZ({+|-}HH[:MM[:SS]])-'  |      .-+---+----.   |   
                              |      | '-,-'    |   |   
                              |      V          |   |   

   '-VENDOR(vendor_name)-'  |              (8) |   

   |                            (3) (4) |   

   |      (3)             |   


ERROR parameters

   |       (3)             |  |        (3)             |   
   '-READ(-----+-count-+-)-'  '-WRITE(-----+-count-+-)-'   
               '-+nn---'                   '-+nn---'       

  1. This operand cannot be specified for a SCRATCH volume, unless you specify the STATUS operand.
  2. You can specify a maximum of 12 user IDs.
  3. You can specify this operand only if you also specify the FORCE operand. To use the FORCE operand, you must have CONTROL access to the STGADMIN.EDG.MASTER security resource and UPDATE access to the STGADMIN.EDG.FORCE security resource.
  4. This operand can be specified if the user has CONTROL access to STGADMIN.EDG.MASTER resource.
  5. This operand can be specified only if the volume resides in a system-managed library.
  6. This operand can be specified to change a data value on a volume where information was recorded by DFSMSrmm during O/C/EOV processing. You must have CONTROL access to the STGADMIN.EDG.MASTER security resource and UPDATE access to the STGADMIN.EDG.FORCE security resource to use the FORCE operand.
  7. This operand cannot be specified if the volume resides in an IBM Tape Library Dataserver.
  8. This operand cannot be specified for SCRATCH volumes, LOGICAL volumes, STACKED volumes, or NOLABEL volumes.

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