Planning to use storage tiers

The first step for implementing class transition processing in your environment is to determine which data sets would benefit from this type of processing. Two possible candidates are:

For example, say that you have Easy Tiers devices and SATA devices. Data sets are initially allocated to an Easy Tiers device that provides real time data placement on the appropriate storage tier based on usage. You know that after 45 days, however, certain data set types are rarely accessed and you do not want this set of data mixed with your active data. This set of data could be assigned to a management class that after 45 days will automatically move the data sets from a storage group comprised of Easy Tiers devices to a storage group comprised of just SATA devices.

The next step would be to update the SMS environment to support class transitions:

Note that no changes are required to the DFSMShsm space management functions. They will automatically examine management classes for the class transition settings and process data sets accordingly. If you expect class transition processing to increase the amount of work done during space management, then you may wish to increase the number of tasks that are assigned to that processing.