z/OS Security Server RACF Messages and Codes
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z/OS Security Server RACF Messages and Codes

RACF ENCOUNTERED AN EXTRACT ERROR: RETURN CODE=return-code, RACF RETURN CODE=racf-return-code, RACF REASON CODE=racf-reason-code, FOR PROFILE profile-name IN CLASS classname WHILE PROCESSING classname2 name.


A RACROUTE REQUEST=EXTRACT was attempted but an unexpected return code was encountered. RACF® was processing a change log request for the general resource profile name in class classname2.
  1. Because of an internal method being used, return-code is not a SAF return code that is found in z/OS Security Server RACROUTE Macro Reference (though racf-return-code and racf-reason-code match a documented combination).
  2. This message ends with a period. This period is not part of the profile name.

System action

The system continues processing.

Routing code


Descriptor code


RACF Security Administrator Response

Contact the customer support center.

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