z/OS JES2 Messages
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JES2 message format

z/OS JES2 Messages

JES2 messages appear on a display console or system log in the following format:
                                                                        {*    } 
[hh.mm.ss] [sysname] {jobid} {@    } {Nn Mm} $HASPnnnn text 
The time stamp shows the time the message was issued in hours, minutes, and seconds. This display is optional and appears before the message identifier ($HASPnnn) if your installation has entered the CONTROL (K S,MFORM=(T)) command to include the time stamp in the console message format.
The system name. This display is optional and appears before the message identifier ($HASPnnn) if your installation has entered the CONTROL (K S,MFORM=(S)) command to include the system name in the console message format.
JES2 job identifier. This display is optional, and it appears before a subset of message identifiers ($HASPnnn) if your installation has entered the CONTROL (K S,MFORM=(J)) command to include the job identifier in the console message format. See Table 1 for a list of the subset of messages preceded by a job identifier.
Nn Mm
The number of the node (Nn) and the multi-access spool (MAS) member (Mm).
Indicates a request for operator action.
Indicates a request for operator action by JES2 generation modules or the remote workstation generation program (RMTGEN).
Blank, if no operator action is required.
Indicates the message is issued by JES2 generation or RMTGEN; no action is required.
All messages in this document are documented with the $HASP prefix. The dollar sign ($) is the console character defined by JES2. All JES2 messages will be proceeded by $HASP unless your installation changes the dollar sign to another character using the CONDEF CONCHAR initialization statement, the $T CONDEF CONCHAR command, or supply the CONDEF CONCHAR statement from the console during initialization.
3 or 4 digit message serial number.
Message text.

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