Planning for static VIPA takeover and takeback

Because a VIPA is associated with a z/OS® TCP/IP stack and is not associated with a specific physical network attachment, it can be moved to a stack on any image in the sysplex or even to any z/OS TCP/IP stack as long as the address fits into the network configuration. Moving a static VIPA can be done manually by an operator or by customer-programmed automation. Movement of the static VIPA allows other hosts that were connected to the primary stack to reestablish connections with a backup TCP/IP stack using the same VIPA. After the primary TCP/IP stack has been restored, the reassigned VIPA address can be moved back.

Consider the following items when backing up and restoring a z/OS TCP/IP stack:

If you are deploying both static VIPA and OSA-Express QDIO, see VIPAs, OSA-Express QDIO, and Spanning Tree Protocol to determine whether or not network bridge or switch configuration settings might potentially impact the environment for VIPA takeover and takeback.