Steps for controlling which applications can issue a SIOCSVIPA ioctl call or call the MODDVIPA utility to create a DVIPA

You can define a System Authorization Facility (SAF) resource profile in the SERVAUTH class to control access to dynamic VIPAs (DVIPAs) in a VIPARANGE statement.


Perform the following steps to control whether an application can issue a SIOCSVIPA ioctl call or call the MODDVIPA utility to create a DVIPA:

  1. Define the EZB.MODDVIPA.sysname.tcpname resource profile in the SERVAUTH class by issuing the following RACF® command:
  2. Give the user ID that is associated with the application READ access to the resource by issuing the following RACF command:
  3. Refresh the profile by issuing the following RACF command:


In this example, sysname is the name of the MVS™ system, tcpname is the job name of the TCP/IP started task, and userid is the user ID that is associated with the application. The job name for started tasks, such as TCP/IP, is derived depending on how it is started:

  • If this resource profile is defined and the user ID has READ access to the resource, then the call is processed.
  • If this resource profile is not defined and the user ID is not APF authorized and is not a UNIX System Services superuser, the call fails.
  • If this resource profile is defined and the user ID does not have READ access to the resource, then the call fails with a permission denied error, regardless of whether the user is a superuser.
  • If specific and wildcard resource profile names are defined, the user ID must have READ access to the resource that has the most specific match. For example, defining EZB.MODDVIPA.MVS1.TCPCS1 and EZB.MODDVIPA.MVS1.* has the following results:
    • To create a DVIPA on system MVS1, TCP/IP stack TCPCS1, the user ID must have READ access to EZB.MODDVIPA.MVS1.TCPCS1.
    • To create a DVIPA on system MVS1, TCP/IP stack TCPCS2, the user ID must have READ access to EZB.MODDVIPA.MVS1.*.
    • If a user ID tries to create a DVIPA on a TCP/IP stack on system MVS2, there is no matching resource profile.
  • If this resource profile is defined, the user ID must also have READ access to the resource to delete a DVIPA that was created using the SIOCSVIPA ioctl call, the SIOCSVIPA6 ioctl call, or the MODDVIPA utility.