Configuring an active gateway

Figure 1. Configuring an active gateway
Configuring an active gateway

As shown in Figure 1, assume that your NCP client is ncp1, which is channel-attached to an MVS™ host running an NCPROUTE server and that it has a network attachment adapter that does not support link-level broadcasting or one that does not support ARP processing. Also, assume that there are routers Router1 and Router2 on the local area network. Because the IP addresses Router1 and Router2 are unknown by ncp1, they have to be manually configured in NCPROUTE for NCPROUTE to communicate with them. Configuring active gateways for Router1 and Router2 as remote network interfaces enables NCPROUTE to send RIP responses to the target addresses.

  1. Specify IP addresses for each network adapter (without link-level broadcasting or ARP support) attached to the local network in the NCP client according to the NCP generation definition. For example, is the IP address for the local network adapter attachment in ncp1.
  2. Define active gateways for the remote routers in the NCPROUTE gateways data set specified on the GATEWAYS_PDS statement in the NCPROUTE profile:
    active active gateway metric 1 active
    active active gateway metric 1 active

NCPROUTE will use these active gateway addresses as the destination addresses to send RIP responses to the remote routers. In addition, NCPROUTE will continue to receive RIP responses from the active gateways over the NCP client.