Sysplex distributor policy example

The goal of this sysplex distributor policy is to limit the number of SD target stacks for inbound Telnet traffic. The policies are identified as SD policies by the ForLoadDistribution TRUE attribute on the PolicyRule statement. The corresponding policy on the target is also shown.

The following statements apply to the example in this topic:
policyAction        telnetGold
        MinRate        500       # Provide minimum rate of 500 Kbps.
        OutgoingTOS    10100000  # the TOS value of outgoing telnet packets.
        outboundinterface  129::1B0D:13F0
        outboundinterface  ::
    policyRule           disttelnet
        ProtocolNumberRange     6
        DestinationPortRange    23
        PolicyRulePriority      20
        policyactionreference   telnetGold
        ForLoadDistribution     TRUE
    policyRule           targtelnet
        ProtocolNumberRange     6
        SourcePortRange         23
        PolicyRulePriority      20
        policyactionreference   telnetGold
        ForLoadDistribution     FALSE
  1. The ApplicationName attribute is valid only for a target rule and should not be coded on a distributor rule because the application name determined for inbound traffic (which is always the case on a distributor) will always be the stack's TCP jobname.
  2. If you are using Telnet with multiple stacks in conjunction with the sysplex distributor, see Accessing remote hosts using Telnet for more information.