Example 1

The following key exchange rule for an IKEv1 Aggressive-mode phase 1 negotiation uses pre-shared key authentication:

KeyExchangeRule              Admin_KeyExRule1
  LocalSecurityEndpointRef   Internal_IKED
  RemoteSecurityEndpointRef  Admin_IKED
  KeyExchangeActionRef       Bronze-PSK
  SharedKey                  Ascii TheEagleHasLanded

This rule defines the parameters for the IKEv1 phase 1 negotiation between two hosts that are identified by the security endpoints Internal_IKED and Admin_IKED (presumed to be defined elsewhere in the policy file). The specifics of the negotiation are covered by the Bronze-PSK action as follows:

KeyExchangeAction        Bronze-PSK
   HowToInitiate         Aggressive
   HowToRespondIKEv1     Aggressive
      HowToEncrypt       DES
      HowToAuthMsgs      SHA1
      HowToAuthPeers     PreSharedKey

The optional SharedKey parameter is required only when the pre-shared key authentication method is used for the phase 1 negotiation.