IUCV/VMCF considerations

The IUCV/VMCF inter-address space communication API enables applications running in the same MVS™ image to communicate with each other without requiring the services of the TCP/IP protocol stack. The VMCF/TNF subsystems provide these services, which are still available in z/OS® Communications Server. Several components of TCP/IP in z/OS Communications Server continue to make some use of these services for the purpose of inter-address space communications. These include:

Therefore, in z/OS Communications Server you must continue to configure and start the VMCF and TNF subsystems as you did in TCP/IP V3R2. However, because the VMCF/TNF subsystems are no longer used to communicate directly with the TCP/IP protocol stack in z/OS Communications Server, the amount of CPU they will consume will be significantly lower than in the TCP/IP V3R2 environment.