Starting SNTPD from z/OS

SNTPD is installed in the /usr/sbin/sntpd directory.

To start the SNTP server from the z/OS® shell command line, type sntpd & on the command line. This starts sntpd and sends it to the background.

The following optional parameters are used for the sntpd command:
Enables debugging. Debug messages go to syslogd daemon.
-df pathname
Enables debugging. Debug messages go to specified file location.
-pf pathname
Specifies z/OS UNIX path for process ID file.
-b nnnnn
Acts in broadcast mode. This parameter sends local broadcasts on all interfaces every nnnnn seconds. The valid range for -b is 1 - 16284.
-m nnnnn
Acts in multicast mode. Sends multicast updates (TTL=1) on all interfaces every nnnnn seconds. The valid range for -m is 1 - 16284.
-s n
Use n as the stratum level in all replies sent by the server. The valid range for n is 1 - 15. If -s is not specified or an invalid value is specified, the default stratum level of 1 is used. The stratum level indicates the relative accuracy of the local clock compared to the clocks of other SNTP servers in the network. The value 1 is the most accurate and 15 is the least accurate.
Guideline: The SNTP server always responds to client requests (unicast mode), regardless if -b or -m start options are specified.