OSNMPD.DATA search order

The search order for accessing OSNMPD.DATA information is as follows. The first file found in the search order is used.

  1. The name of a z/OS® UNIX file or MVS™ data set specified by the OSNMPD_DATA environment variable
  2. /etc/osnmpd.data z/OS UNIX file
  3. The data set specified on the OSNMPD DD statement in the agent procedure
  4. jobname.OSNMPD.DATA, where jobname is the name of the job used to start the SNMP agent
  6. hlq.OSNMPD.DATA, where hlq either defaults to TCPIP or is specified on the DATASETPREFIX statement in the TCPIP.DATA file being used

If creating a data set, you can specify a sequential data set with the following attributes: RECFM=FB, LRECL=80, and BLKSZ=3120. Other data set attributes might also work, depending on your installation parameters.