Network security services server cataloged procedure

Update the cataloged procedure, NSSD, by copying the sample in SEZAINST(NSSD), to your system or recognized PROCLIB. Specify the NSS server parameters and change the data set names to suit your local configuration. See SEZAINST(EZARACF) for external security manager considerations for started procedures. After the NSSD procedure has been started, you can specify a different NSSD configuration file by using the Modify command with the FILE parameter. For example:
MODIFY NSSD,REFRESH,FILE='/etc/security/nssd.conf2'
Figure 1. NSSD cataloged procedure
//* IBM Communications Server for z/OS
//* SMP/E distribution name: EZBIMPRC
Start of change//* 5650-ZOS Copyright IBM Corp. 2007, 2013End of change
//* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
//* "Restricted Materials of IBM"
Start of change//* Status = CSV2R1End of change
Start of change// PARM='ENVAR("_CEE_ENVFILE_S=DD:STDENV")/'
//* Provide environment variables to run with the desired
//* configuration. As an example, the data set or file specified byEnd of change
//* STDENV could contain:
//* NSSD_FILE=/etc/security/nssd.conf
Start of change//*
//*   If you want to include comments in the data set or
//*   z/OS UNIX file, specify the _CEE_ENVFILE_COMMENT
//*   environment variable as the first environment variable
//*   in the data set or file.  The value specified for
//*   the _CEE_ENVFILE_COMMENT variable is the comment character.
//*   For example, if you want to use the pound sign, #, as
//*   the comment character, specify this as the first
//*   statement:
//*     _CEE_ENVFILE_COMMENT=#End of change
//* For information on the above environment variables, refer to the
//* IP Configuration Reference.
//* Sample MVS data set containing environment variables:
//* Sample file containing environment variables:
//*STDENV DD PATH='/etc/security/nssd.env',PATHOPTS=(ORDONLY)
//* Output written to stdout and stderr goes to the data set or
//* file specified with SYSPRINT or SYSOUT, respectively.