Customizing SBCS translation tables

All SBCS translation table members contain two tables. The first table is used to translate from ASCII to EBCDIC. The second table is used to translate from EBCDIC to ASCII.

To read the translation tables, find the row for the first hex digit (1) and the column for the second hex digit (2). The point where the row and column intersect is the translation value.

For example, to find the EBCDIC translation for the ASCII character A7, find row A0 (3) and column 07 (4) in ASCII-to-EBCDIC table. The point where row A0 and column 07 intersect shows a value of X'7D', so the ASCII character X'A7' is translated to X'7D' in EBCDIC.

To customize the translation table, alter the translate value where the row and column intersect to the new value.

You can edit and modify translation table members in the SEZATCPX data set.