z/OS Communications Server: IP Programmer's Guide and Reference
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TCP/IP profile record interface section

z/OS Communications Server: IP Programmer's Guide and Reference

This section provides network interface information from the DEVICE, LINK, HOME, BSDROUTINGPARMS, and INTERFACE profile statements. For IPv4 interfaces, the IP address is included in the interface information. Only the subnet mask value from the BSDROUTINGPARMS statement is included in the interface information. For IPv6 interfaces, the IP addresses are provided in the IPv6 address section.

There can be multiple sections in the record, one per interface. Information from DEVICE, LINK, HOME, and BSDROUTINGPARMS statements for an interface is combined into one section. If more than one additional IPv4 loopback IP address has been configured, there are multiple sections for the IPv4 loopback interface, one per additional IP address.

Information for only the following types of network interfaces is provided in this section:
The loopback section is provided only if additional loopback IP addresses besides the default address,, have been configured.
OSA-Express QDIO Ethernet
Static MPC Point-to-point
Static VIPA

Information for dynamic XCF and dynamic VIPA interfaces is not supported in this section. Information for dynamic XCF interfaces can be found in the IPv4 and IPv6 configuration sections. Information for dynamic VIPA interfaces can be found in the dynamic VIPA address section.

If other types of network interfaces are defined to the TCP/IP stack, their presence is indicated by a flag bit in the NMTP_PICODepStmts and NMTP_PICODepChanged fields of the profile information common section.

Table 1 shows the TCP/IP profile record interface section.
Table 1. TCP/IP profile record interface section
Offset Name Length Format Description
0(X'0') NMTP_INTFEye 4 EBCDIC INTF eyecatcher
4(X'4') NMTP_INTFFlags 4 Binary Flags:
X'80000000', NMTP_INTFIPv6:
IPv6 indicator. If set, this entry is an IPv6 interface, otherwise this entry is an IPv4 interface.
X'40000000', NMTP_INTFDefIntf:
If set, the interface was defined by the INTERFACE statement; otherwise, the interface was defined by DEVICE and LINK statements.
X'20000000', NMTP_INTFIntfIDFlg:
If set, an IPv6 interface ID was specified. Field NMTP_INTFIntfID contains the interface ID value.
X'10000000', NMTP_INTFAutoRestart:
This flag applies only to non-VIRTUAL interfaces defined by DEVICE and LINK profile statements. If set, either AUTORESTART was specified or, the interface is using the same OSA-Express port, MPCPTP TRLE, or HiperSockets CHPID as an IPv6 interface, so the AUTORESTART parameter has been set by default.
X'08000000', NMTP_INTFIpBcast:
If set, IPBCAST was specified.
X'04000000', NMTP_INTFVlanIDFlg:
If set, VLANID was specified. Field NMTP_INTFVlanID contains the VLAN ID value.
X'02000000', NMTP_INTFMonSysplex:
If set, MONSYSPLEX was specified.
X'01000000', NMTP_INTFDynVlanReg:
If set, DYNVLANREG was specified.
X'00800000', NMTP_INTFVmac:
If set, VMAC was specified. Field NMTP_VmacAddr contains the virtual MAC address.
X'00400000', NMTP_INTFVmacAddrFlg:
If set, the VMAC parameter was specified with a virtual MAC address. If not set, the VMAC parameter was specified without a virtual MAC address. The OSA-Express QDIO feature generates the virtual MAC address. Field NMTP_VmacAddr contains the virtual MAC address.
4(X'4') (Cont)      
X'00200000', NMTP_INTFVmacRtLcl:
If set, VMAC was specified with the ROUTELCL subparameter. If not set, and flag NMTP_INTFVmac is set, then the ROUTEALL subparameter is in effect.
X'00100000', NMTP_INTFCheckSum:
If set, inbound checksum calculation is being performed. This flag applies only to MPCPTP interfaces.
X'00080000', NMTP_INTFSrcVipaIfNameFlg:
If set, SOURCEVIPAINTERFACE was specified. Field NMTP_INTFSrcVipaIntfName contains the specified source VIPA interface name.
X'00040000', NMTP_INTFTempPrefix:
If set, TEMPPREFIX was specified. Field NMTP_INTFTempPfxType indicates the type of IPv6 temporary address which was requested.
X'00020000', NMTP_INTFIsolate:
If set, ISOLATE was specified. This flag applies only to IPAQENET interfaces defined by the INTERFACE profile statement and to IPAQENET6 interfaces.
X'00010000', NMTP_INTFOptLatMode:
Indicates whether optimized latency mode (OLM parameter) was requested or is in effect. If set, and the interface is not active, the OLM parameter was specified for the interface. If set, and the interface is active, then the OLM setting is in effect for the interface. This flag applies to only IPAQENET interfaces defined by the INTERFACE profile statement and to IPAQENET6 interfaces.
X'00008000', NMTP_INTFChpIDFlg:
If set, an optional CHPID value was specified for an interface that was defined by the INTERFACE statement. The CHPID value is in NMTP_INTFChpID field.
X'00004000', NMTP_INTFTempIP:
If set, the TEMPIP value was specified for an interface that was defined by the INTERFACE statement. The NMTP_INTFIPv4Addr field is set to zeroes when this flag is set.
X'00002000', NMTP_INTFSMCR:
If set, SMCR was specified or is in effect by default. This flag applies only to IPAQENET interfaces that the INTERFACE profile statement defines and to IPAQENET6 interfaces.
8(X'8') NMTP_INTFType 1 Binary Type of interface:
MPC Point-to-point (MPCPTP/MPCPTP6)
Static Virtual (VIRTUAL/VIRTUAL6)
9(X'9') NMTP_INTFRtrType 1 Binary Router type. This field is valid only when the NMTP_INTFType field value is NMTP_INTFTOSAETH.
10(X'A') NMTP_INTFReadStorType 1 Binary Read storage amount type. This field is valid only when the NMTP_INTFType field value is NMTP_INTFTOSAETH or NMTP_INTFTHIPERSOCK.
11(X'B') NMTP_INTFInbPerfType 1 Binary Inbound performance type. This field is valid only when the NMTP_INTFType field value is NMTP_INTFTOSAETH.
12(X'C') NMTP_INTFSecClass 1 Binary SECCLASS value.
13(X'D') NMTP_INTFChpID 1 Binary
CHPID value. This field is valid only for the following interface types:
  • IPv6 interfaces or IPv4 interfaces that are defined by the INTERFACE statement where the NMTP_INTFType field value is NMTP_INTFTHIPERSOCK.
  • Interfaces for which the NMTP_INTFChpIDFlg flag is set.
14(X'E') NMTP_INTFDupAddrDet 1 Binary DUPADDRDET count. This field is valid only for IPv6 interfaces, where the NMTP_INTFType field value is NMTP_INTFTOSAETH.
15(X'F') NMTP_INTFIPv4Mask 1 Binary IPv4 Subnet number of mask bits from INTERFACE or BSDROUTINGPARMS statement. If subnet mask specified on BSDROUTINGPARMS but overridden by OMPROUTE, this field is zero.
16(X'10') NMTP_INTFTempPfxType 1 Binary TEMPPREFIX type. This field is valid only for IPv6 interfaces where flag NMTP_INTFTempPfx is set, and the NMTP_INTFType field value is NMTP_INTFTOSAETH.
Prefix specified
Temporary IPv6 address generation is disabled due to multiple Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) failures.
17(X'11') NMTP_INTFDynTypes 1 Binary Indicates the dynamic inbound performance types. This field is set only when the NMTP_INTFInbPerfType field is set to NMTP_INTFIPDYN and the interface was defined by an INTERFACE statement.
18(X'12') NMTP_INTFChpIDType 1 Binary The CHPID type of the OSA-Express QDIO Ethernet interface. This field is valid only for interfaces where the NMTP_INTFType field value is NMTP_INTFTOSAETH and the interface was defined by an INTERFACE profile statement (flag NMTP_INTFDefIntf is set).
OSD indicates an external data network CHPID type
OSX indicates an intraensemble data network CHPID type
19(X'13')   1 Binary Reserved
20(X'14') NMTP_INTFVlanID 2 Binary VLAN ID. This field is valid only when flag NMTP_INTFVlanIDFlg is set and the NMTP_INTFType field value is NMTP_INTFTOSAETH or NMTP_INTFTHIPERSOCK.
22(X'16') NMTP_INTFMtu 2 Binary MTU value. This field is valid only when flag NMTP_INTFDefIntf is set, and the NMTP_INTFType field value is NMTP_INTFTOSAETH or NMTP_INTFTHIPERSOCK.
24(X'18') NMTP_INTFIPv4Addr 4 Binary If flag NMTP_INTFIPv6 is not set, this field is the IPv4 IP address from the HOME or INTERFACE statement. If an IP address has not been configured for the interface or if the NMTP_INTFTempIP field is set, this field is set to zeros.
28(X'1C') NMTP_INTFIfIndex 4 Binary The interface index, which is a small, positive number assigned to the interface when it is defined to the TCP/IP stack. For interfaces defined by DEVICE and LINK statements, this is the interface index of the LINK.
32(X'20') NMTP_INTFVmacAddr 6 Binary Virtual MAC address. This field is valid only if flag NMTP_INTFVmac is set. The field contains one of the following values:
  • If flag NMTP_INTFVmacAddrFlg is set, the field contains the configured virtual MAC address.
  • If flag NMTP_INTFVmacAddrFlg is not set, and the interface is active, the field contains the virtual MAC address generated by the OSA-Express QDIO feature, when the interface was activated. If the interface is not yet active, then the field is set to zeros.
38(X'26')   2 Binary Reserved
40(X'28') NMTP_INTFIntfID 8 Binary IPv6 interface ID value. This field is valid only if flag NMTP_INTFIntfIDFlg is set.
48(X'30') NMTP_INTFName 16 EBCDIC Interface name. For interfaces defined by DEVICE and LINK statements, this is the LINK name; otherwise, it is the interface name defined on the INTERFACE statement.
64(X'40') NMTP_INTFAssocName 16 EBCDIC One of the following associated names:
  • DEVICE name for interfaces defined with the LINK profile statement. For IPAQENET interfaces defined with the LINK statement, this is also the OSA-Express port name. For MPCPTP interfaces defined with the LINK statement, this is also the TRLE name.
  • PORTNAME value from the IPAQENET/IPAQENET6 INTERFACE statement.
  • TRLENAME value from the MPCPTP6 profile statement.
80(X'50') NMTP_INTFSrcVipaIntfName 16 EBCDIC Source VIPA interface name from the INTERFACE profile statement. This field is valid only if flag NMTP_INTFSrcVipaIfNameFlg is set.

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