z/OS Communications Server: IP Programmer's Guide and Reference
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z/OS Communications Server: IP Programmer's Guide and Reference

Figure 1. NMsec_GET_IKENSINFO response format
The NMsec_GET_IKENSINFO response consists of the NMsecMessageHdr field and response records.

Each record returned describes the network security services (NSS) attributes for a given stack. Each record has a single section, NMsecNSS, that describes the NSS attributes of the stack. This section contains the following data described in Table 1.

Table 1. NMsec_GET_IKENSINFO structure
Field Offset Length Format Description
NMsIKENSClientName 0 24 bytes EBCDIC The stack's NSS client name. The default format is sysname_stackname, where sysname is the client's MVS™ system name, and stackname is the TCP/IP job name of the stack that the client represents. However, clients can override this default form with any valid 24-character string. If the client is not configured to use an NSS server, this field contains blanks.
NMsIKENSStackName 24 8 bytes EBCDIC TCP/IP job name of the stack that the client represents.
NMsIKENSUserid 32 8 bytes EBCDIC User ID under which the client is registered with server. If the client is not configured to use an NSS server, this field contains blanks.
NMsIKENSServerSysName 40 8 bytes EBCDIC MVS system name of the system on which the NSS server is running. If the client is not configured to use an NSS server, this field contains blanks.
NMsIKENSSConfigured 48, bit 0 1 bit Binary Indicates whether this stack is configured to use an NSS server. If the value is set to 1, the stack is configured to use an NS server; otherwise, it is not.
NMsIKENSSvcSelCert 48, bit 1 1 bit Binary Certificate services selected. If set to 1, the stack is configured for NSS certificate services.
NMsIKENSSvcEnblCert 48, bit 2 1 bit Binary Certificate services enabled. If set to 1, the stack is actively using NSS certificate services.
NMsIKENSSvcSelMgmt 48, bit 3 1 bit Binary Remote management services selected. If set to 1, the stack is configured for NSS remote management services.
NMsIKENSSvcEnblMgmt 48, bit 4 1 bit Binary Remote management services enabled. If set to 1, the stack is actively using NSS remote management services.
NMsIKENSIPv6 48, bit 5 1 bit Binary IP addressing mode. If set to 1, the client is using an IPv6 address. Otherwise, it is using IPv4. If the client is not configured to use an NSS server, this field is set to 0.
NMsIKENSServerConnectState 50 2 bytes Binary NS server connection state. The field can have one of the following values:
The stack is disconnected from the NSS server.
Connection is pending. The stack has requested a connection to the NSS server but the request has not completed processing.
The stack is connected to the NS server.
Disconnect is pending. The stack has requested that the connection be disconnected but the request has not completed processing.
Update is pending. The stack has dynamically reconfigured its authentication information or its requested NSS. The stack has requested a connection update but has not received a successful response from the NSS server.
NMsIKENSClientAddr 52 16 bytes Binary The IPv4 or IPv6 source address of the client connection to the server. If this is an IPv4 address, the destination address is the last 4 bytes of this field, with the first 12 bytes containing zeros.
NMsIKENSServerAddr 68 16 bytes Binary The IPv4 or IPv6 destination address of the client connection to the server. If this is an IPv4 address, the destination address is the last 4 bytes of this field, with the first 12 bytes containing zeros.
NMsIKENSClientPort 84 2 bytes Binary The TCP source port of the client connection to the server.
NMsIKENSServerPort 86 2 bytes Binary The TCP destination port of the client connection to the server.
NMsIKENSConnTime 88 4 bytes Binary UNIX-format timestamp indicating when the client connected to the server.
NMsIKENSLastMsgTime 92 4 bytes Binary UNIX-format timestamp indicating when the last message was sent to the server.
NMsIKENSNumFailedReqs 96 8 bytes Binary Number of failed requests to server.
NMsIKENSClientAPIVersion 104 1 byte Binary The version of the NSS client API that the NSS client is using.
  • NMsec_NSS_API_VERSION1 (1) - The level of NSS support that is available in z/OS® version V1R9 and later.
  • NMsec_NSS_API_VERSION2 (2) - The level of NSS support that is available in z/OS version V1R10 and later.
NMsIKENSServerAPIVersion 105 1 byte Binary The version of the NSS client API that the connected NSS server supports.
  • The value 0 indicates that this information is not currently available.
  • NMsec_NSS_API_VERSION1 (1) - The level of NSS support that is available in z/OS version V1R9 and later.
  • NMsec_NSS_API_VERSION2 (2) - The level of NSS support that is available in z/OS version V1R10 and later.
NMsIKENSClientRsvd2 106 2 bytes Binary Reserved

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