z/OS Communications Server: IP Programmer's Guide and Reference
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X Window System routines: Miscellaneous utility routines

z/OS Communications Server: IP Programmer's Guide and Reference

The MIT X Miscellaneous Utility routines are included in SEZAX11L. These are a set of common utility functions that have been useful to application writers.

Table 1 lists the Miscellaneous utility routines and provides a short description of each routine.

Table 1. Miscellaneous utility routines
Routine Description
XctCreate() Creates an XctData structure for parsing a Compound Text string.
XctFree() Frees all data associated with the XctData structure.
XctNextItem() Parses the next item from the Compound Text string.
XctReset() Resets the XctData structure to reparse the Compound Text string.
XmuAddCloseDisplayHook() Adds a callback for the given display.
XmuAddInitializer() Registers a procedure to be invoked the first time XmuCallInitializers is called on a given application context.
XmuAllStandardColormaps() Creates all of the appropriate standard colormaps.
XmuCallInitializers() Calls each of the procedures that have been registered with XmuAddInitializer.
XmuClientWindow() Finds a window at or below the specified window.
XmuCompareISOLatin1() Compares two strings, ignoring case differences.
XmuConvertStandardSelection() Converts many standard selections.
XmuCopyISOLatin1Lowered() Copies a string, changing all Latin-1 uppercase letters to lowercase.
XmuCopyISOLatin1Uppered() Copies a string, changing all Latin-1 lowercase letters to uppercase.
XmuCreateColormap() Creates a colormap.
XmuCreatePixmapFromBitmap() Creates a pixmap of the specified width, height, and depth.
XmuCreateStippledPixmap() Creates a two-pixel by one-pixel stippled pixmap of specified depth on the specified screen.
XmuCursorNameToIndex() Returns the index in the standard cursor font for the name of a standard cursor.
XmuCvtFunctionToCallback() Converts a callback procedure to a callback list containing that procedure.
XmuCvtStringToBackingStore() Converts a string to a backing-store integer.
XmuCvtStringToBitmap() Creates a bit map suitable for window manager icons.
XmuCvtStringToCursor() Converts a string to a Cursor.
XmuCvtStringToJustify() Converts a string to an XtJustify enumeration value.
XmuCvtStringToLong() Converts a string to an integer of type long.
XmuCvtStringToOrientation() Converts a string to an XtOrientation enumeration value.
XmuCvtStringToShapeStyle() Converts a string to an integer shape style.
XmuCvtStringToWidget() Converts a string to an immediate child widget of the parent widget passed as an argument.
XmuDeleteStandardColormap() Removes the specified property from the specified screen.
XmuDQAddDisplay() Adds the specified display to the queue.
XmuDQCreate() Creates and returns an empty XmuDisplayQueue.
XmuDQDestroy() Releases all memory associated with the specified queue.
XmuDQLookupDisplay() Returns the queue entry for the specified display.
XmuDQNDisplays() Returns the number of displays in the specified queue.
XmuDQRemoveDisplay() Removes the specified display from the specified queue.
XmuDrawLogo() Draws the official X Window System logo.
XmuDrawRoundedRectangle() Draws a rounded rectangle.
XmuFillRoundedRectangle() Draws a filled rounded rectangle.
XmuGetAtomName() Returns the name of an Atom.
XmuGetColormapAllocation() Determines the best allocation of reds, greens, and blues in a standard colormap.
XmuGetHostname() Returns the host name.
XmuInternAtom() Caches the Atom value for one or more displays.
XmuInternStrings() Converts a list of atom names into Atom values.
XmuLocateBitmapFile() Reads a file in standard bit map file format.
XmuLookupAPL() This function is similar to XLookupString, except that it maps a key event to an APL string.
XmuLookupArabic() This function is similar to XLookupString, except that it maps a key event to a Latin and Arabic (ISO 8859-6) string.
XmuLookupCloseDisplayHook() Determines if a callback is installed.
XmuLookupCyrillic() This function is similar to XLookupString, except that it maps a key event to a Latin and Cyrillic (ISO 8859-5) string.
XmuLookupGreek() This function is similar to XLookupString, except that it maps a key event to a Latin and Greek (ISO 8859-7) string.
XmuLookupHebrew() This function is similar to XLookupString, except that it maps a key event to a Latin and Hebrew (ISO 8859-8) string.
XmuLookupJISX0201() This function is similar to XLookupString, except that it maps a key event to a string in the JIS X0201-1976 encoding.
XmuLookupKana() This function is similar to XLookupString, except that it maps a key event to a string in the JIS X0201-1976 encoding.
XmuLookupLatin1() This function is identical to XLookupString.
XmuLookupLatin2() This function is similar to XLookupString, except that it maps a key event to a Latin-2 (ISO 8859-2) string.
XmuLookupLatin3() This function is similar to XLookupString, except that it maps a key event to a Latin-3 (ISO 8859-3) string.
XmuLookupLatin4() This function is similar to XLookupString, except that it maps a key event to a Latin-4 (ISO 8859-4) string.
XmuLookupStandardColormap() Creates or replaces a standard colormap if one does not currently exist.
XmuLookupString() Maps a key event into a specific key symbol set.
XmuMakeAtom() Creates and initializes an opaque object.
XmuNameOfAtom() Returns the name of an AtomPtr.
XmuPrintDefaultErrorMessage() Prints an error message, equivalent to Xlib’s default error message.
XmuReadBitmapData() Reads a standard bit map file description.
XmuReadBitmapDataFromFile() Reads a standard bit map file description from the specified file.
XmuReleaseStippledPixmap() Frees a pixmap created with XmuCreateStippledPixmap.
XmuRemoveCloseDisplayHook() Deletes a callback that has been added with XmuAddCloseDisplayHook.
XmuReshapeWidget() Reshapes the specified widget, using the Shape extension.
XmuScreenOfWindow() Returns the screen on which the specified window was created.
XmuSimpleErrorHandler() A simple error handler for Xlib error conditions.
XmuStandardColormap() Creates a standard colormap for the given screen.
XmuUpdateMapHints() Clears the PPosition and PSize flags and sets the USPosition and USSize flags.
XmuVisualStandardColormaps() Creates all of the appropriate standard colormaps for a given visual.

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