z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 1 (EZA)
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z/OS Communications Server: IP Messages Volume 1 (EZA)

subcommand failed - timer expired while reading from named pipe


While the FTP client was sending data from the named pipe to the FTP server, it tried to read from a named pipe in the client z/OS® UNIX file system. The client waited for the number of seconds specified by the FIFOIOTIME configured value for the read to complete. One reason for this timeout is that the process that is writing to the named pipe stopped writing data without closing the named pipe.

Any data that was sent from the client to the server before the timer expired has been permanently removed from the named pipe.

In the message text:
The subcommand that failed because FTP could not read from the named pipe.

System action

FTP stops processing the current subcommand, and prompts for the next subcommand.

Operator response


System programmer response

Perform the following steps:

  1. Consider increasing the FIFOIOTIME configured value.
    1. Use the LOCSTat subcommand and specify the FIFOIOTIME parameter to query the current FIFOIOTIME value.
    2. Use the LOCSIte subcommand and specify the FIFOIOTIME parameter to increase the FIFOIOTIME value
    If you anticipate long idle periods, consider increasing local timers to prevent connection timeouts. See the information about the DATACTTIME (FTP client) statement, the FTPKEEPALIVE (FTP client and server) statement, and the DATAKEEPALIVE (FTP client and server) statement in z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Reference for more information about FTP client timers.
  2. Determine why the process that writes to the named pipe stopped writing data, but did not close the named pipe.
  3. Reissue the subcommand. Any data that was sent from the client to the server before the timer expired has been removed from the named pipe. You must take this into consideration before repeating the file transfer.

User response

Report the problem to the system programmer.

Problem determination

See the system programmer response.


z/OS Communications Server TCP/IP: FTP



Routing code


Descriptor code



Not applicable.


put /tmp/sample.fifo  
EZA1733I waiting up to 60 seconds for write process to open /tmp/sample.fifo 
EZA1701I >>> PORT 9,42,105,36,4,36   
200 Port request OK. 
EZA1701I >>> STOR sample.fifo 
125 Storing data set 
EZA1739I put failed -- timer expired while reading from named pipe  
250 Transfer completed 
EZA1460I Command:  

EZA1460I Command:  
appe /tmp/sample.fifo  /u/user1/sample.fifo   
EZA1733I waiting up to 60 seconds for write process to open /tmp/sample.fifo
EZA1701I >>> PORT 9,42,105,36,4,42    
200 Port request OK.   
EZA1701I >>> APPE /u/user1/sample.fifo   
125 Appending to data set /u/user1/sample.fifo  
EZA1739I append failed -- timer expired while reading from named pipe 
250 Transfer completed successfully.  

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