z/OS Communications Server: IP CICS Sockets Guide
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Sockets extended ERRNOs

z/OS Communications Server: IP CICS Sockets Guide

Table 1. Sockets extended ERRNOs


Problem description System action Programmer’s response
10100 An ESTAE macro did not complete normally. End the call. Call your MVS™ system programmer.
10101 A STORAGE OBTAIN failed. End the call. Increase MVS storage in the application's address space.
10108 The first call issued was not a valid first call. End the call. Almost all sockets programs that are written in COBOL, PL/I, or assembler language must issue the INITAPI call before they issue other sockets calls.
10110 LOAD of EZBSOH03 (alias EZASOH03) failed. End the call. Call the IBM® Software Support Center.
10154 Errors were found in the parameter list for an IOCTL call. Disable the subtask for interrupts. Return an error code to the caller. Correct the IOCTL call. You might have incorrect sequencing of socket calls.
10155 The length parameter for an IOCTL call is less than or equal to 0. Disable the subtask for interrupts. Return an error code to the caller. Correct the IOCTL call. You might have incorrect sequencing of socket calls.
10156 The length parameter for an IOCTL call is 3200 (32 x 100). Disable the subtask for interrupts. Return an error code to the caller. Correct the IOCTL call. You might have incorrect sequencing of socket calls.
10159 A 0 or negative data length was specified for a READ or READV call. Disable the subtask for interrupts. Return an error code to the caller. Correct the length in the READ call.
10161 The REQARG parameter in the IOCTL parameter list is 0. End the call. Correct the program.
10163 A 0 or negative data length was found for a RECV, RECVFROM, or RECVMSG call. Disable the subtask for interrupts. Sever the DLC path. Return an error code to the caller. Correct the data length.
10167 The descriptor set size for a SELECT or SELECTEX call is less than or equal to 0. Disable the subtask for interrupts. Return an error code to the caller. Correct the SELECT or SELECTEX call. You might have incorrect sequencing of socket calls.
10168 The descriptor set size in bytes for a SELECT or SELECTEX call is greater than 8192. A number greater than the maximum number of allowed sockets (65534 is the maximum) has been specified. Disable the subtask for interrupts. Return an error code to the caller. Correct the descriptor set size.
10170 A 0 or negative data length was found for a SEND or SENDMSG call. Disable the subtask for interrupts. Return an error code to the caller. Correct the data length in the SEND call.
10174 A 0 or negative data length was found for a SENDTO call. Disable the subtask for interrupts. Return an error code to the caller. Correct the data length in the SENDTO call.
10178 The SETSOCKOPT option length is less than the minimum length. Disable the subtask for interrupts. Return an error code to the caller. Correct the OPTLEN parameter.
10179 The SETSOCKOPT option length is greater than the maximum length. Disable the subtask for interrupts. Return an error code to the caller. Correct the OPTLEN parameter.
10184 A data length of 0 was specified for a WRITE call. Disable the subtask for interrupts. Return an error code to the caller. Correct the data length in the WRITE call.
10186 A negative data length was specified for a WRITE or WRITEV call. Disable the subtask for interrupts. Return an error code to the caller. Correct the data length in the WRITE call.
10190 The GETHOSTNAME option length is not in the range 1 - 255. Disable the subtask for interrupts. Return an error code to the caller. Correct the length parameter.
10193 The SETSOCKOPT or GETSOCKOPT option length is shorter than the minimum length or longer than the maximum length. End the call. Correct the length parameter.
10197 The application issued an INITAPI call after the connection was already established. Bypass the call. Correct the logic that produces the INITAPI call that is not valid.
10198 The maximum number of sockets specified for an INITAPI exceeds 65535. Return to the user. Correct the INITAPI call.
10200 The first call issued was not a valid first call. End the call. Almost all sockets programs that are written in COBOL, PL/I, or assembler language must issue the INITAPI call before they issue other sockets calls.
10202 The RETARG parameter in the IOCTL call is 0. End the call. Correct the parameter list. You might have incorrect sequencing of socket calls.
10203 The requested socket number is a negative value. End the call. Correct the requested socket number.
10205 The requested socket number is a duplicate. End the call. Correct the requested socket number.
10208 The NAMELEN parameter for a GETHOSTBYNAME call was not specified. End the call. Correct the NAMELEN parameter. You might have incorrect sequencing of socket calls.
10209 The NAME parameter on a GETHOSTBYNAME call was not specified. End the call. Correct the NAME parameter. You might have incorrect sequencing of socket calls.
10210 The HOSTENT parameter on a GETHOSTBYNAME or GETHOSTBYADDR call was not specified. End the call. Correct the HOSTENT parameter. You might have incorrect sequencing of socket calls.
10211 The HOSTADDR parameter on a GETHOSTBYNAME or GETHOSTBYADDR call is incorrect. End the call. Correct the HOSTADDR parameter. You might have incorrect sequencing of socket calls.
10212 The resolver program failed to load correctly for a GETHOSTBYNAME or GETHOSTBYADDR call. End the call. Check the JOBLIB, STEPLIB, and linklib datasets and rerun the program.
10213 Not enough storage is available to allocate the HOSTENT structure. End the call. Increase the user storage allocation for this job.
10214 The HOSTENT structure was not returned by the resolver program. End the call. Ensure that the domain name server is available. This can be a nonerror condition indicating that the name or address specified in a GETHOSTBYADDR or GETHOSTBYNAME call could not be matched.
10215 The APITYPE parameter on an INITAPI call instruction was not 2 or 3. End the call. Correct the APITYPE parameter.
10218 The application programming interface (API) cannot locate the specified TCP⁄IP. End the call. Ensure that an API that supports the performance improvements related to CPU conservation is installed on the system and verify that a valid TCP⁄IP name was specified on the INITAPI call. This error call might also mean that EZASOKIN could not be loaded.
10219 The NS parameter is greater than the maximum socket for this connection. End the call. Correct the NS parameter on the ACCEPT, SOCKET or TAKESOCKET call.
10221 The AF parameter of a SOCKET call is not AF_INET. End the call. Set the AF parameter equal to AF_INET.
10222 The SOCTYPE parameter of a SOCKET call must be stream, datagram, or raw (1, 2, or 3). End the call. Correct the SOCTYPE parameter.
10223 No ASYNC parameter specified for INITAPI with APITYPE=3 call. End the call. Add the ASYNC parameter to the INITAPI call.
10224 The IOVCNT parameter is less than or equal to 0, for a READV, RECVMSG, SENDMSG, or WRITEV call. End the call. Correct the IOVCNT parameter.
10225 The IOVCNT parameter is greater than 120, for a READV, RECVMSG, SENDMSG, or WRITEV call. End the call. Correct the IOVCNT parameter.
10226 Not valid COMMAND parameter specified for a GETIBMOPT call. End the call. Correct the COMMAND parameter of the GETIBMOPT call.
10229 A call was issued on an APITYPE=3 connection without an ECB or REQAREA parameter. End the call. Add an ECB or REQAREA parameter to the call.
10300 Termination is in progress for either the CICS® transaction or the socket interface. End the call. None.
10330 A SELECT call was issued without a MAXSOC value and a TIMEOUT parameter. End the call. Correct the call by adding a TIMEOUT parameter.
10331 A call that is not valid was issued while in SRB mode. End the call. Get out of SRB mode and reissue the call.
10332 A SELECT call is invoked with a MAXSOC value greater than that which was returned in the INITAPI function (MAXSNO field). End the call. Correct the MAXSOC parameter and reissue the call.
10334 An error was detected in creating the data areas required to process the socket call. End the call. Call the IBM Software Support Center.
10999 An abend has occurred in the subtask. Write message EZY1282E to the system console. End the subtask and post the TRUE ECB. If the call is correct, call your system programmer.
20000 An unknown function code was found in the call. End the call. Correct the SOC-FUNCTION parameter.
20001 The call passed an incorrect number of parameters. End the call. Correct the parameter list.
20002 The user ID associated with the program linking EZACIC25 does not have the proper authority to execute a CICS EXTRACT EXIT. End the call. Start the CICS socket interface before executing this call.
20003 The CICS socket interface is not in operation. End the call. Contact the CICS system programmer. Ensure that the user ID being used is permitted to have at least UPDATE access to the EXITPROGRAM resource.
20004 The CICS socket TRUE failed to suspend the task. End the call. Call the IBM Software Support Center.
20005 The socket task was purged by CICS while the task was being suspended by the CICS socket TRUE. End the call. None.

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