z/OS Communications Server: IP CICS Sockets Guide
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NTOP call

z/OS Communications Server: IP CICS Sockets Guide

NTOP converts an IP address from its numeric binary form into a standard text presentation form. On successful completion, NTOP returns the converted IP address in the buffer provided.

The following requirements apply to this call:
Requirement Description
Authorization: Supervisor state or problem state, any PSW key
Dispatchable unit mode: Task
Cross memory mode: PASN = HASN
Amode: 31-bit or 24-bit
ASC mode: Primary address space control (ASC) mode
Interrupt status: Enabled for interrupts
Locks: Unlocked
Control parameters: All parameters must be addressable by the caller and in the primary address space

Figure 1 shows an example of NTOP call instructions.

Figure 1. NTOP call instruction example
    WORKING-STORAGE SECTION.                                         
        01  SOC-NTOP-FUNCTION        PIC X(16)  VALUE IS 'NTOP'.     
        01  S                        PIC 9(4) BINARY.                
    * IPv4 socket structure.                                         
        01  NAME.                                                    
            03  FAMILY      PIC 9(4) BINARY.                         
            03  PORT        PIC 9(4) BINARY.                         
            03  IP-ADDRESS  PIC 9(8) BINARY.                         
            03  RESERVED    PIC X(8).                                
    * IPv6 socket structure.                                         
        01  NAME.                                                    
            03  FAMILY      PIC 9(4) BINARY.                         
            03  PORT        PIC 9(4) BINARY.                         
            03  FLOWINFO    PIC 9(8) BINARY.                         
            03  IP-ADDRESS.                                          
                10 FILLER   PIC 9(16) BINARY.                        
                10 FILLER   PIC 9(16) BINARY.                        
            03  SCOPE-ID    PIC 9(8) BINARY.                         
        01  NTOP-FAMILY PIC 9(8) BINARY.                              
        01  ERRNO           PIC 9(8) BINARY.                         
        01  RETCODE         PIC S9(8) BINARY.                        
        01  PRESENTABLE-ADDRESS      PIC X(45).                      
        01  PRESENTABLE-ADDRESS-LEN  PIC 9(4) BINARY.                
    PROCEDURE DIVISION.                                              
                             ERRNO RETURN-CODE.   

For equivalent PL/I and assembler language declarations, see Converting parameter descriptions.

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