ServerPac: Using the Installation Dialog
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Example 1: Using ALL without a saved configuration

ServerPac: Using the Installation Dialog

Follow this path if you are installing a ServerPac order for the first time, or if you are not using a saved configuration as the basis of your new system. This approach creates a new configuration based only on the new order to be installed.

Select "Automatic Data Set Assignment" (Option A) from the Modify System Layout Options panel. The panel shown in Figure 1 is displayed.
Figure 1. Panel: Modify system layout options
 CPPP625B  --------- Automatic Data Set Assignment ( MD053718 ) ----------

     A - ALL      Assign all target and DLIB data sets in the configuration
                  to physical volumes automatically.  This option creates a
                  recommended system layout.

     N - NEW      Add new data sets to an existing configuration.  This
                  option automatically assigns new data sets, but preserves
                  the placement of previously-assigned data sets in your
                  saved configuration.

     P - PARTIAL  Assign new data sets and reassign some existing data sets
                  to physical volumes.  This option automatically assigns
                  all new data sets to physical volumes, as well as data
                  sets from selected volumes in the saved configuration.

 Enter EITHER a default device type OR a model volume below:

 Default Device Type ==> 3390-9     (For example, 3390-9)
  Model after Volume ==>            (For example, ZOSRES)

Because you are not including a saved configuration in the new configuration, the only selectable setting on this panel is All. This setting causes the dialog to automatically assign all target and DLIB data sets in your order to physical volumes.

On the Automatic Data Set Assignment panel, you must enter either a device type or a model volume to specify the type of device to be used if the dialog creates more volumes for data set assignments. Check this value to ensure that the device type is available for this installation. To see a list of other available devices, enter a question mark (?) in the Default Device Type field and press Enter. You can then select the device type you want from the pop-up display. A configuration can include more than one device type.

If the DYNAMIC DASD INFO variable is set to Y, the model volume must be online. If DYNAMIC DASD INFO is set to N, the model volume must already exist in the configuration.

Enter All and press Enter. The current volume configuration is shown (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Panel: Current volume configuration
 CPPP625C  ---- Automatic Data Set Assignment ( MD053718 ) ---- ROW 1 TO 7 OF 7
 COMMAND ==>                                                    SCROLL ==> PAGE

 Current Volume Configuration                                  Scope==> ALL

 Primary Commands: (? Reset Create)
    Line Commands: (Select Insert List Move After Before eXclude)

     Phys.   Volume  Sequence  Device   Used +   Volume     Existing Reserved
  S  Volume  Type    Number    Type    Reserved  Threshold  Data     Space
  -  ------  ------  --------  ------  --------  ---------  -------- --------
     MVSRES  TARGET    T01     3390-3   315 %       85 %        0 %     0 %
     MVSDLB  DLIB      D01     3390-3   224 %       85 %        0 %     0 %
  ******************************* Bottom of Data ***************************


Here, the configuration consists of a target volume (MVSRES), a DLIB volume (MVSDLB), and a catalog volume (MVSCAT). Because MVSCAT contains only operational data sets, this volume is excluded from automatic assignments, and therefore is not shown in the panel display. Observe that MVSRES and MVSDLB are overallocated.

If you plan to rename these volumes, select the volumes now through line command S and rename them as needed. Later, when the new configuration is created, it is more difficult to rename these volumes.

If you choose to change the device type, do so now through line command S, rather than after you create the new configuration (by entering the CReate command on the Current Volume Configuration panel). Otherwise, the volume might become overallocated (for example, if the default is 3390-9 and you change it to 3390-3).

To have the dialog create the new configuration, enter the primary command CReate and press Enter. The panel shown in Figure 3 is displayed, allowing you to confirm this action before continuing.
Figure 3. Panel: Automatic assignment confirmation
 CPPP625E  ---- Automatic Assignment Confirmation ( MD053718 ) -----------------
 COMMAND ==>                                                   Scope: ALL

 You have chosen to have data sets automatically assigned to physical
 MODIFY SYSTEM LAYOUT.  However, you will be able to modify the configuration
 after the assignments have been done.  If you decide not to use the
 automatic assignments after they have been done, return to Create
 Configuration, create the configuration again, and use other options in
 Modify System Layout to tailor your configuration.

 Enter Y to continue, or N to return to the previous panel:

                 Continue ==> Y   ( Y or N )

To continue, press Enter. The CustomPac progress panel is displayed (as shown in Figure 4) as volumes are assigned.
Figure 4. Panel: Automatic assignment progress panel
 CPPPMLOG  --------------                              ----------------
                                                 All Rights Reserved

                        P L E A S E    W A I T
                            M E R G I N G
                         LOGICAL VOLUME TABLE
After Recommended System Layout completes, the Current Volume Configuration panel (Figure 5) is displayed again to show you the new configuration.
Figure 5. Panel: Current volume configuration
 CPPP625C  ---- Automatic Data Set Assignment ( MD053718 ) ---- ROW 1 TO 7 OF 7
 COMMAND ==>                                                    SCROLL ==> PAGE

CPP0625014I Automatic data set assignment complete.

 Current Volume Configuration                                  Scope==> ALL

 Primary Commands: (? Reset Create)
    Line Commands: (Select Insert List Move After Before eXclude)

     Phys.   Volume  Sequence  Device   Used +   Volume     Existing Reserved
  S  Volume  Type    Number    Type    Reserved  Threshold  Data     Space
  -  ------  ------  --------  ------  --------  ---------  -------- --------
     MVSRES  TARGET    T01     3390-3    84 %       85 %        0 %     0 %
     TARG02  TARGET    T02     3390-3    83 %       85 %        0 %     0 %
     TARG03  TARGET    T03     3390-3    85 %       85 %        0 %     0 %
  s  TARG04  TARGET    T04     3390-3    62 %       85 %        0 %     0 %
     MVSDLB  DLIB      D01     3390-3    83 %       85 %        0 %     0 %
     DLIB02  DLIB      D02     3390-3    83 %       85 %        0 %     0 %
     DLIB03  DLIB      D03     3390-3    55 %       85 %        0 %     0 %
  ******************************* Bottom of Data ***************************

The new configuration is shown. Observe the following results:
  • Four target volumes and three DLIB volumes were used for the new configuration: MVSRES, TARG02, TARG03, TARG04, MVSDLB, DLIB02, and DLIB03.
  • The volumes were assigned sequence numbers T01 through T04, and D01 through D03, respectively, and are of the device type 3390-3.
  • All but the last volumes of each type were filled close to the threshold (85%). The final volumes, TARG04 and DLIB03, contain the remainder of the target and DLIB data sets from your order.
  • No volumes are over-allocated.

In some cases, you might find that the dialog creates more volumes than you think you need. If the last target or DLIB volume has very little used space and you want to eliminate it by placing its data sets on other volumes, you can reassign the volume's data sets using the dialog's View and Change Facility (Option C on the Modify System Layout Options panel). Select "Current PVOL," select each volume in turn, and then use the CHANGE PVOL command to move the data sets to other volumes. For more information, see Viewing and changing data sets.

If you decide to change the volumes after the new configuration has been created, use Option V from the Modify System Layout Options panel (shown in Figure 1) to display the Summary of Physical Volumes and modify the volume names accordingly, as described in Displaying a summary of physical volumes.

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