z/OS ISPF User's Guide Vol II
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Volume serial

z/OS ISPF User's Guide Vol II

Use this field to specify the volume serial whose VTOC is to be used by ISPF to display or print a list of data set names or VTOC information. ISPF retains the information you put in this field and displays it the next time you use this panel.

If you want to display a list of only the data sets that reside on a particular volume, leave the Dsname Level field blank and enter the volume serial in the Volume field.

The Volume serial field supports the inclusion of system symbols.

You can enter a single volume name or a generic volume name to list data sets from more than one volume. The volume name can be partially specified using asterisks as global volume name characters and percent signs as placeholders in the volume name. A single asterisk within a volume name indicates that zero or more characters can occupy that position. A single percent sign indicates that any one alphanumeric or national character can occupy that position. Examples follow.

Lists data set names matching the Dsname Level from all volumes
Lists names from all volumes beginning with 'PRM'
Lists names from volumes beginning with 'M', followed by any single character, a 'C', and any three other characters
  1. During pre-allocation verification processing for a data set list line command, ISPF issues a LOCATE (SVC 26) for the data set name. This occurs even when you specify a volume serial on the Data Set List Utility panel. If this LOCATE fails (for example, an SMS data set by the same name exists and the volume for the SMS data set is not available), ISPF issues an error message and the line command fails.
  2. Specifying a single asterisk as a volume name will require more time to display of print the VTOC list.
  3. A generic volume name can not be used to display VTOC information.

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