z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference
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z/OS ISPF Software Configuration and Library Manager Guide and Reference


This is the COBOL parser translator that parses the source identified by the SOURCE DDNAME.


One of the functions of an SCLM parser is to determine all of a module's dependencies. FLMLPCBL determines all of the names that will be copied into the COBOL source.

FLMLPCBL examines each line of the member. Lines located in the IDENTIFICATION DIVISION (ID DIVISION) will not be examined for COPY statements or quoted strings. This will permit the use of a comment entry for each paragraph in the ID DIVISION without the need for an asterisk or slash in column 7.

The parser uses the following syntax rules to locate dependency names outside of the ID DIVISION:
  • The search for tokens is restricted to columns 8-72. Column 7 is ignored except when it contains * and / (treated as a comment line) or - (treated as a concatenation). The use of - to concatenate strings for forming reserved words or dependency names is not supported.
  • DBCS strings (delimited by shift-out and shift-in characters) in comments and quotes are allowed. In addition DBCS user-defined names are allowed.
  • When a line that is not a comment line or a continuation line has COPY after column 7, the next token is taken as the name of a dependency. Note the following exceptions:
    • If the member name is enclosed in single or double quotes, the quotes are ignored.
    • When a line that is not a comment line or a continuation line has EXEC, SQL, and INCLUDE as its first three tokens after column 7, the next token is taken as the name of a dependency. SQLCA and SQLDA are not flagged as external dependencies.
    • When searching for the next token on a line and there are no more tokens on that line, the search continues with the next uncommented line.
    • Tokens inside quoted strings will be ignored (except for COPY member names). Reserved words inside quoted strings will not be counted as statements. COPY, EXEC SQL, and EXEC CICS* inside quoted strings will be ignored.
    • If a token is longer than 8 characters, it will not be added as a dependency.

FLMLPCBL recognizes COPY MEMBER where MEMBER is a 1-character to 8-character string with no separator periods. A separator period is not required after MEMBER.

COPY and MEMBER must be on the same line or on a continued line. However, splitting COPY or MEMBER by using a hyphen (-) in column 7 of the continued line is not supported. This is important to consider when using code generators that use the hyphen in column 7 to concatenate strings to form keywords and text names. Use of the hyphen to concatenate strings in order to form a MEMBER as in COPY MEMBER results in the COPY being ignored by FLMLPCBL. Use of the hyphen on the line after COPY when COPY is the last token on the line results in the COPY being ignored by FLMLPCBL.

FLMLPCBL can parse an odd number of quote delimiters if the first two nonblank characters after column 7 on a continuation line are two quote delimiters. FLMLPCBL expects to find an even number of quote delimiters in a literal. You might need to introduce a constant with a literal value that is also continued on the next line to produce an even number of quote delimiters. If you have an odd number of quote delimiters, the dependencies following the odd number of delimiters might be ignored. The following example illustrates a statement with an odd number of quote delimiters:

123456     VALUE  'This literal has a quote in column 72 and the next  '
123457 ''  2 quote delimiters result in an odd number of quote
123458 delimiters for this statement '.

It is recommended to code DBCS and mixed SBCS and DBCS literals on a separate line especially when the literal contains blanks. For example you can reduce the chance of some of your dependencies being ignored by splitting a line like this:

001000              VALUE 'MQ GET/BROWSE çWáÔà{ñ .« '.

into two

001000              VALUE


001001                    'MQ GET/BROWSE çWáÔà{ñ .« '.

The parser also gathers statistics or metrics for each module to be parsed. SCLM saves 10 statistics, but this parser only generates 7. For COBOL, this parser defines the following statistics:

Total lines
The total number of records in the file.
Comment lines
The number of lines with a slash (/) or an asterisk (*) in column 7.
Noncomment lines
The number of total lines minus the number of comment lines.
Blank lines
The number of lines that contain only blanks after column 6. Any sequence numbers in the rightmost columns of the line are ignored.
Prolog lines
The number of comment lines that are found before the first noncomment line.
Total statements
The number of lines that are not comment or continuation lines whose first token after column 7 is one of the following reserved words:
   ADD          ENTER        MERGE        SEARCH
   ALTER        ENTRY        MOVE         SET
   CANCEL       EXAMINE      NOTE         START
   CLOSE        EXIT         ON           STOP
   COMPUTE      GO           OPEN         STRING
   COPY         GOTO         READ         TRANSFORM
   DELETE       IF           RELEASE      UNSTRING

In addition, any EXEC SQL and EXEC CICS® statements are treated as program statements.

Comment statements
This value is always 0.
Control statements
This value is always 0.
Assignment statements
This value is always 0.
Noncomment statements
This is the same as Total statements.


The following positional parameters, separated by commas, are expected as input to FLMLPCBL
The address of the dependencies pointer. This parameter is required.
The address of the statistics output buffer. This parameter is required.
The size of the dependency list buffer in bytes. This parameter is required.
Maximum of eight characters specifying the name of the include set assigned to EXEC SQL INCLUDE dependencies.
When INCLSET is present, include set dependencies will be generated. That is, when COPY ABC OF XYZ statements are encountered, a dependency for copybook ABC is generated with an include set name of XYZ. This facilitates having copybooks with same name from different sources.

When DBCS is present, quote delimiters are ignored in any token that contains either shift in (X'0E') or shift out (X'0F').

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