
The following are considerations for the output parameters:

Parameter 4
Contains the one SMF record that is returned with all of the data for the system. The SMFxxLEN field contains the length of the input buffer, not the actual length of the record. If the buffer is over 64K, the record contains X'FFFF'. If necessary, you can calculate the actual length of the record from the descriptor fields in the record. The date and time fields (SMF79DTE and SMF79TME fields, respectively) contain zeroes.

In case RMF™ was not started since the last IPL, the following fields are set to these values:

LSB (bit 7) off
Bits 1 and 2 off
Parameter 6
Contains the current average standard CP utilization percent as a binary fullword in the area provided. If RMF cannot determine the CPU utilization percent on a PR/SM™ system because the Monitor I CPU report is not active, RMF returns a value of -1 (FFFFFFFF).
Parameter 7
Contains the page-ins per second rate as a binary fullword in the area provided. This rate is for demand paging to DASD only. It excludes swap-ins, VIO (virtual input/output), and hiperspaces.
Parameter 9
Contains the MVS™ view of the CPU utilization if Monitor I CPU gathering is active. Otherwise it is filled with the SRM view of the CPU utilization (source is CCVUTILP).
Parameter 10
Contains the current average ZAAP utilization percent as a binary fullword in the area provided. If RMF cannot determine the ZAAP utilization percent on a PR/SM system because the Monitor I CPU report is not active, RMF returns a value of -1 (FFFFFFFF).
Parameter 11
Same as Parameter 10, but for ZIIPs.