Phase 3

For phase 3, RMF™ formats the ISPF table generated in phase 1 or 2 and displays the report. To format the ISPF report data tables, RMF uses the tabular report format table (ERBFMTS3), the RMF header table (ERBHDRS3), and the graphic parameter table (ERBPTGS3). The RMF display phase module (ERB3RDSP) displays the report by means of the ISPF TBDISPL service.

The following ISPF shared variables contain information that you can use to format and display a report during phase 3:
The ISPF shared pool variable that contains the current command or report selection. The variable is a key to obtain formatting information for the tabular report in the report format table (ERBFMTS3) or the graphic report in the graphic parameter table (ERBPTGS3). For examples of these tables, see Appendix B.
The ISPF shared pool variables that contain the current command (ERBCMDC) and any command parameters (ERBPARC).
The ISPF shared pool variables that should contain return codes from phase 1 and 2.
The ISPF shared pool variable that should contain the name of the ISPF data table generated in phase 1 and/or phase 2.
The ISPF shared pool variable that contains the report mode (TABULAR or GRAPHIC).

RMF uses module ERB3RDSP to display the reports. The module dynamically constructs a panel from information in the format tables. It builds header and model lines and constructs the graphic area within the panel and uses the ISPF data table whose name appears in the ISPF shared pool variable PHDRTAB2.

Upon completion, phase 3 must provide the following output:
The ISPF shared pool variable that should be restored to its value at entry to phase 1.
The ISPF shared pool variable that should contain the return code from the program or CLIST used to format and display the report.
If you decide to replace the RMF module ERB3RDSP with your own routine, you must consider the following: