Phase 2

For phase 2, you supply a program or CLIST to modify the ISPF table created for the report in phase 1.

The following ISPF shared variables contain information for phase 2:
The ISPF shared pool variable that should contain the current command or report selection.
The ISPF shared pool variables that should contain the current command (ERBCMDC) and any command parameters (ERBPARC).
The ISPF shared pool variable that should contain your return code from the program or CLIST used in phase 1.
For RMF™ supplied reports, ERB3RPH1 creates the report in phase 1 and returns one of the following return codes:
ISPF table successfully generated for the report
ISPF table generated for the report has some data, but errors have occurred
ISPF table generated for the report has no data, and an error has occurred

For your own routine, you might want to use the same return codes.

The ISPF shared pool variable that contains the name of the ISPF data table generated in phase 1.
Upon completion, phase 2 must provide the following output:
The ISPF shared pool variable that should be restored to its value at entry to phase 1.
The ISPF shared pool variable that should contain the return codes from the RMF program or CLIST used to create the report in phase 2.
The ISPF shared pool variable that should contain the name of the ISPF data table generated in phase 2. You can use the same table name as for PHDRTAB1.