
This class represents a logical partition (LPAR) and contains the following attributes:

Property Description
string Name (key) LPAR name
string CreationClassName (key) Value “IBMz_ComputerSystem”
string CECName (key) Name of the CEC this LPAR exists on
uint16 InitialCappingForCP Information about initial capping for this partition (logical processor type CP):

0: unknown, 1: other, 2: enabled, 3: disabled

uint16 InitialCappingForAAP Information about initial capping for this partition (logical processor type zAAP):

0: unknown, 1: other, 2: enabled, 3: disabled

uint16 InitialCappingForIIP Information about initial capping for this partition (logical processor type zIIP):

0: unknown, 1: other, 2: enabled, 3: disabled

uint16 WeightManagement Information about z/OS IRD LPAR weight management:

0: unknown, 1: other, 2: enabled, 3: disabled

uint16 VaryCPUManagement Information about z/OS IRD vary CPU management:

0: unknown, 1: other, 2: enabled, 3: disabled

uint16 zAAPHonorPriority Information about zAAP honor priority:

0: unknown, 1: other, 2: enabled, 3: disabled

uint16 zIIPHonorPriority Information about zIIP honor priority:

0: unknown, 1: other, 2: enabled, 3: disabled

string DefinedCapacityGroupName Name of the capacity group to which the partition belongs, if it is managed towards a common group capacity limit.