ERBRCDG3 - Resource collection data

Resource Collection Data Header 

Offsets Name Length Format Description
Dec Hex
0 0 RCDACRO 5 EBCDIC Acronym 'RCDG3'
5 5 RCDVERS 1 binary Control block version X'08'
6 6 RCDHLEN 2 binary Size of RCDHDR
8 8 RCDSIZ 4 binary Size of all resource collection data. This includes RCDHDR, RCDBMAP, RCDG3, RCDPD, RCDRD and RCDSD.
12 C RCDPNAM 8 EBCDIC Policy name
20 14 RCDPTM 8 binary Local time policy was activated (TOD format)
28 1C RCDNTVL 4 binary Current sample interval (in milliseconds). This is the frequency with which WLM samples delays reported in the RCAA.
32 20 RCDNTV# 4 binary Total number of times WLM sampling code ran. A monitor issuing successive calls to IWMRCOLL should not assume that WLM sampling code ran at the interval specified by RCDNTVL between its calls. This field can be used to translate sampled state data into actual percentages of time.
36 24 RCDMSC# 2 binary Maximum possible number of service classes according to SVPOL service class array
38 26 RCDMRC# 2 binary Maximum possible number of report classes according to SVPOL report class array
40 28 RCDMPD# 2 binary Maximum possible number of service or report class period entries according to SVPOL.
42 2A RCDMRD# 2 binary Maximum possible number of response time distribution buckets according to number of periods with response time goals
44 2C RCDBMPL 2 binary Length of an entry in the response time distribution mapping array
46 2E RCDBMP# 2 binary Number of response time distribution buckets
48 30 RCDBMPO 4 binary Offset from begin of RCDHDR to response time distribution mapping array (RCDBMAP)
52 34 RCDSCAL 2 binary Length of one RCDG3 workload activity entry in the RCDSCOF array
54 36 RCDSCA# 2 binary Number of entries in RCDSCOF array. This is the number of service classes returned in IWMSVPOL by IWMPQRY.
56 38 RCDSCOF 4 binary Offset from begin of RCDHDR to array of RCDG3 entries. These entries represent service classes.
60 3C RCDRCAL 2 binary Length of one RCDG3 workload activity entry in the RCDRCOF array
62 3E RCDRCA# 2 binary Number of entries in RCDRCOF array. This field is the number of report classes returned in IWMSVPOL by IWMPQRY.
64 40 RCDRCOF 4 binary Offset from begin of RCDHDR to array of RCDG3 entries
68 44 RCDPDAL 2 binary Length of one RCDG3 period entry in the RCDPD array
70 46 RCDPDA# 2 binary Number of entries in the RCDPD array
72 48 RCDPDAO 4 binary Offset from begin of RCDHDR to begin of RCDPD array
76 4C RCDRDAL 2 binary Length of one RCDG3 response time bucket entry in the RCDRD array
78 4E RCDRDA# 2 binary Number of entries in the RCDRD array
80 50 RCDRDAO 4 binary Offset from begin RCDHDR to begin of RCDRD array
84 54 RCDSDAL 2 binary Length of one RCDG3 subsystem delay data entry in the RCDSD array
86 56 RCDSDA# 2 binary Number of entries in the RCDSD array
88 58 RCDSDAO 4 binary Offset from begin of RCDHDR to begin of RCDSD array
92 5C RCDSUBP 2 binary Subsystem phase count X'0002'
94 5E * 2 * Reserved
96 60 RCDMADJ 4 binary Value of RMCTADJC - adjustment factor for CPU rate
100 64 RCDNFFI 4 binary Normalization factor for zAAP. Multiply zAAP times or service units with this value and divide by 256 to calculate the CP equivalent value.
104 68 RCDNFFS 4 binary Normalization factor for zIIP. Multiply zIIP service units with this value and divide by 256 to calculate the CP equivalent value.
Response Time Distribution Map Array
0 0 RCDBENT 4 binary Response time distribution bucket mappings. Each word defines a maximum % of a goal (ie. 50, 70, 100, etc.) When used in conjunction with an RCDDENT, a monitor product can show the number of transactions that completed in a percentage of a goal. The last entry in the array contains X'FFFFFFFF'. This indicates that this bucket includes all transactions that completed with longer response times than the previous bucket.
Resource Collection Data Entry
0 0 RCDTYPE 1 binary What this RCDG3 entry represents
Meaning When Set
Service class
Report class
1 1 RCDFLGS 1 binary Class data availability flags
Meaning When Set
Service classes served
2 2 RCDCLX 2 binary Index into the service class or report class list mapped by SVPCD and SVPHD, respectively (service policy information)
4 4 RCDMP# 1 EBCDIC Maximum possible number of periods for this RCDG3.
5 5 RCDMB# 1 EBCDIC Maximum possible number of response time distribution buckets for this RCDG3.
6 6 RCDPD# 2 binary Number of period data entries for this RCDG3 entry
8 8 RCDPDI 4 binary Index into RCDG3 period entry array
12 C RCDFRX 2 binary Index to first RT-distribution bucket of this class
14 E RCDCR# 2 binary Number of buckets for this class
16 10 RCDFSX 2 binary Index to first subsystem delay data entry of this class
18 12 RCDCS# 2 binary Number of subsystem delay data entries for this class
Resource Collection Data - Period Entry
0 0 RCDPFLGS 1 binary Data availability flags
Meaning When Set
Resource consumption data
Response time data
General execution delay data
1 1 RCDPFLG1 1 binary Report class period flags
Meaning When Set
Heterogeneous report class period
2 2 RCDPLSC 2 binary Index of the service class that last contributed to this report class. For homogeneous report class periods, this service class period's goal has to be used to format the response time distribution for ended transactions reported in this report class. Zero for a service class entry.
4 4 RCDPERI 1 binary Period number
5 5 RCDRD# 1 binary Number of entries in the response time distribution bucket array (RCDRD) that belong to this period or zero
6 6 RCDRDI 2 binary Index into response time distribution bucket array. This field will be zero when there are no response time goals specified.
8 8 RCDSD# 2 binary Number of entries in the subsystem work manager delay array (RCDSD) that belong to this period or zero
10 A RCDSDI 2 binary Index into subsystem work manager delay data array. Zero means, there is no subsystem work manager delay data for this period.
12 C RCDCPU 8 binary Total CPU service units for this period
20 14 RCDSRB 8 binary Total SRB service units for this period
28 1C RCDRCP 4 binary Count of transaction completions for this period. This field also includes transaction completions reported by subsystem work managers via the IWMRPT service.
32 20 RCDARCP 4 binary Count of transactions that completed abnormally as reported by subsystem work managers. This value is not part of RCDRCP and should not be used for response time calculations.
36 24 RCDNCP 4 binary Count of transactions that completed their execution phase as reported by subsystem work managers via the IWMMNTFY service.
40 28 RCDANCP 4 binary Count of transactions that completed their execution phase abnormally as reported by subsystem work manager. This value is not part of RCANCP and should not be used for execution response time calculations.
44 2C RCDTET 8 binary Total transaction elapsed time (in 1024-microsecond units)
52 34 RCDXET 8 binary Total transaction execution time (in 1024-microsecond units)
60 3C RCDCUSE 4 binary Total using samples
64 40 RCDTOTD 4 binary Total delay samples used in SRM's execution velocity calculation
68 44 RCDQDT 8 binary Queue delay time (in 1024-microsecond units)
76 4C RCDADT 8 binary Resource affinity delay time (in 1024-microsecond units)
84 54 RCDCVT 8 binary JCL conversion delay time (in 1024-microsecond units)
92 5C RCDIQT 8 binary Ineligible queue time (in 1024-microsecond units)
100 64 RCDRCT 4 binary Total region control task time in microsecond units
104 68 RCDIIT 4 binary Total I/O interrupt time in microsecond units
108 6C RCDHST 4 binary Total hiperspace service time in microsecond units
112 70 RCDIFAT 8 binary Total zAAP service time in microsecond units. Multiply with RCDNFFI and divide by 256 to calculate the equivalent time on a CP.
120 78 RCDIFCT 8 binary Total zAAP service time spent on CPs in microsecond units
128 80 RCDIFASU 8 binary Total zAAP service units. Multiply with RCDNFFI and divide by 256 to calculate the CP equivalent value
136 88 RCDIFASUCP 8 binary Total zAAP service units spent on CPs
144 90 RCDSUPSU 8 binary Total zIIP service units. Multiply with RCDNFFS and divide by 256 to calculate the CP equivalent value
152 98 RCDSUPSUCP 8 binary Total zIIP service units spent on CPs
160 A0 RCDTPDP 8 binary Total CPU time spent for work units with promoted dispatching priority (in 1024-microsecond units).
168 A8 RCDCPUDL 4 binary CP delay samples
172 AC RCDAAPDL 4 binary zAAP delay samples
176 B0 RCDIIPDL 4 binary zIIP delay samples
180 B4 RCDRGCAP 4 binary Resource group capping delay samples
Resource Collection Data - Response Time Distribution Array
0 0 RCDDENT 4 binary An entry in the RCDG3 response time distribution array. Each entry in the array contains the number of transactions that completed in the time period represented by that entry. When used with the response time distribution bucket mapping (RCDBMAP), monitors can construct a distribution of completions versus goals specified.
Resource Collection Data - Subsystem Work Manager Delays
0 0 RCDSTYP 4 EBCDIC Subsystem type, as used in the classification rules specified in the WLM administrative application
4 4 RCDEFLG 1 binary Flags
Meaning When Set
Represents states sampled in the begin-to-end phase of a transaction
Represents states sampled in the execution phase of a transaction
5 5 * 3 * Reserved
8 8 RCDESS# 4 binary Total number of transaction states sampled in the work phase specified by RCDEFLG
12 C RCDACTV 4 binary Total number of active state samples. Active indicates that there is a program executing on behalf of the work request, from the perspective of the work manager. This does not mean that the program is active from the base control program's perspective.
16 10 RCDRDY 4 binary Total number of ready state samples. Ready indicates that there is a program ready to execute on behalf of the work request described by the monitoring environment, but the work manager has given priority to another work request.
20 14 RCDIDL 4 binary Total number of idle state samples. Idle indicates that no work request is available to the work manager that is allowed to run.
24 18 RCDWLOK 4 binary Total number of waiting for lock state samples
28 1C RCDWIO 4 binary Total number of waiting for I/O state samples. Waiting for I/O indicates that the work manager is waiting for an activity related to an I/O request. This may be an actual I/O operation or some other function associated with the I/O request.
32 20 RCDWCON 4 binary Total number of waiting for conversation state samples. Waiting for conversation may have been used in conjunction with the WLM service IWMMSWCH to identify where the recipient of the conversation is located. In this case, only the switched state will be recorded.
36 24 RCDWDST 4 binary Total number of waiting for distributed request state samples. Waiting for distributed request indicates a high level that some function or data must be routed prior to resumption of the work request. This is to be contrasted with waiting for conversation, which is a low level view of the precise resource that is needed. A distributed request could involve waiting on a conversation as part of its processing.
40 28 RCDWSL 4 binary Waiting for a session to be established locally, ie. on the current MVS image
44 2C RCDWSN 4 binary Waiting for a session to be established somewhere in the network
48 30 RCDWSS 4 binary Waiting for a session to be established somewhere in the sysplex
52 34 RCDWTMR 4 binary Waiting for a timer
56 38 RCDWO 4 binary Waiting for another product
60 3C RCDWMSC 4 binary Waiting for unidentified resource, possibly among another more specific category, but which may not be readily determined
64 40 RCDSSL 4 binary State representing transactions for which there are logical continuations on this MVS image. Subsystem work managers might set this state when they function ship a transaction to another component within the same MVS image.
68 44 RCDSSS 4 binary State representing transactions for which there are logical continuations on another MVS image in the sysplex. Subsystem work managers might set this state when they function ship a transaction to another component on another MVS image within the sysplex.
72 48 RCDSSN 4 binary State representing transactions for which there are logical continuations somewhere within the network. Subsystem work managers might set this state when they function ship a transaction to another component within the network.
76 4C RCDBPMI 4 binary Number of state samples representing DB2 buffer pool misses that resulted in I/O.
80 50 * 12 * Reserved
92 5C RCDWNL 4 binary Total number of state samples reflecting waiting for new latch
96 60 RCDACTA 4 binary Total number of active application state samples. Active application indicates a program is executing on behalf of the work request, from the perspective of the work manager. This does not mean that the program is active from the base control program's perspective.
100 64 RCDWSSL 4 binary Total number of waiting for an SSL thread samples
104 68 RCDWRET 4 binary Total number of waiting for a regular thread samples
108 6C RCDWREW 4 binary Total number of waiting for a registration to a work table samples
112 70 RCDWTY1 4 binary Total number of waiting for resource type 1 samples
116 74 RCDWTY2 4 binary Total number of waiting for resource type 2 samples
120 78 RCDWTY3 4 binary Total number of waiting for resource type 3 samples
124 7C RCDWTY4 4 binary Total number of waiting for resource type 4 samples
128 80 RCDWTY5 4 binary Total number of waiting for resource type 5 samples
132 84 * 40 * Reserved