ERBENCG3 - Enclave data table

Offsets Name Length Format Description
Dec Hex
0 0 ENCG3ACR 5 EBCDIC Acronym 'ENCG3'
5 5 ENCG3VER 1 binary Control block version X'07'
6 6 * 2 * Reserved
8 8 ENCG3TLN 4 binary ENCG3 table length
12 C ENCG3TET (6) 12 binary table entry triplets
12 C ENCG3TEO 4 binary table entry offset
16 10 ENCG3TEL 4 binary table entry length
20 14 ENCG3TEN 4 binary table entry number
84 54 ENCG3DEO 4 binary descriptor entry offset
88 58 ENCG3DEL 4 binary descriptor entry length
92 5C ENCG3DEN 4 binary descriptor entry number
ENCG3 Header Section:
0 0 ENCG3LEN 4 binary table entry length
4 4 ENCTOKEN 8 EBCDIC enclave token
12 C ENCCLX 2 binary service class index
12 C ENCPGN 2 binary performance group
14 E ENCSRPG 2 binary subsystem RCLX/RPGN
16 10 ENCNRPG 2 binary trx name RPGN
18 12 ENCURPG 2 binary user ID RPGN
20 14 ENCCRPG 2 binary trx class RPGN
22 16 ENCARPG 2 binary account no RPGN
24 18 ENCPER 1 binary SC|PG period
25 19 ENCDMN 1 binary domain
26 1A ENCG3KFI 1 binary key field status flags
Meaning When Set
key SC/PG has changed
key period has changed
domain has changed
27 1B * 9 * Reserved
36 24 ENCG3EDO 4 binary offset from ENCG3 element to EDEG3 element
40 28 ENCG3SMP 4 binary sample count
44 2C ENCUSTOT 4 binary using count Total
48 30 ENCDETOT 4 binary delay count Total
52 34 ENCIDLES 4 binary IDLE sample counts
56 38 ENCUNKNS 4 binary UNKNOWN sample counts
60 3C ENCUSCPU 4 binary using count CPU
64 40 ENCDECPU 4 binary delay count CPU
68 44 ENCDECCA 4 binary delay count CPU capping
72 48 ENCDESTG 4 binary delay count STOR paging
76 4C ENCDECOM 4 binary delay count COM paging
80 50 ENCDEXMM 4 binary delay count X/M
84 54 ENCDESHP 4 binary delay count Shared pag
88 58 ENCFLAGS 2 binary ENCG3 descriptive flags
Meaning When Set
dependent enclave
original independent enclave
foreign independent enclave
foreign dependent enclave
90 5A ENCOASID 2 binary Owner ASID
92 5C ENCTOTS 4 binary multistate samples
96 60 ENCUMCPU 4 binary using count CPU (multistate samples)
100 64 ENCUMIO 4 binary using count I/O
104 68 ENCDMCPU 4 binary delay count CPU (multistate samples)
108 6C ENCDMIO 4 binary delay count I/O
112 70 ENCDMQUE 4 binary delay count queue
116 74 ENCDMCCA 4 binary delay count capping
120 78 ENCDMSTO 4 binary delay count storage
124 7C ENCMIDLE 4 binary idle count
128 80 ENCMUNKN 4 binary unknown count
132 84 ENCTCPUT 4 floating point CPU time since creation of enclave
136 88 ENCCPUT 4 floating point CPU time
140 8C * 8 * Reserved
148 94 ENCOWSYS 8 EBCDIC Enclave owner system or blank if not a foreign enclave
156 9C ENCOWJOB 8 EBCDIC Enclave owner jobname or blank if not a foreign enclave
164 9C ENCXTOK 32 EBCDIC Enclave export token or zero if not a multi-system enclave
196 C4 ENCTIFAT 4 floating point zAAP time since creation of enclave
200 C8 ENCTIFCT 4 floating point zAAP on CP time since creation of enclave
204 CC ENCIFAT 4 floating point zAAP time
208 D0 ENCIFCT 4 floating point zAAP on CP time
228 E4 ENCUSIFA 4 binary using count zAAP
232 E8 ENCUSIFC 4 binary using count zAAP on CP
236 EC ENCDEIFA 4 binary delay count zAAP
240 F0 ENCUMIFA 4 binary using count zAAP (multistate samples)
244 F4 ENCUMIFC 4 binary using count zAAP on CP (multistate samples)
248 F8 ENCDMIFA 4 binary delay count zAAP (multistate samples)
252 FC ENCUSCP 4 binary using count CP (single state samples)
256 100 ENCDECP 4 binary delay count CP (single state samples)
260 104 ENCTSUPT 4 floating point zIIP time since creation of enclave
264 108 ENCTSUCT 4 floating point zIIP on CP time since creation of enclave
268 10C ENCSUPT 4 floating point zIIP time
272 110 ENCSUCT 4 floating point zIIP on CP time
276 114 * 16 * Reserved
292 124 ENCUSSUP 4 binary using count zIIP (single state sample)
296 128 ENCUSSUC 4 binary using count zIIP on CP (single state sample)
300 12C ENCDESUP 4 binary delay count zIIP (single state sample)
304 130 ENCUMSUP 4 binary using count zIIP (multi state sample)
308 134 ENCUMSUC 4 binary using count zIIP on CP (multi state sample)
312 138 ENCDMSUP 4 binary delay count zIIP (multi state sample)
RMF Enclave Descriptor Entry (EDEG3)
0 0 EDETRXN 8 EBCDIC transaction program name
16 10 EDETRXC 8 EBCDIC transaction class
24 18 EDENET 8 EBCDIC network ID
32 20 EDELU 8 EBCDIC logical unit name
40 28 EDEPLAN 8 EBCDIC plan
48 30 EDEPCKG 8 EBCDIC package name (filled if EDE_PackageNameLong has not been filled)
56 38 EDECNCTN 8 EBCDIC connection
64 40 EDECOLL 18 EBCDIC collection
82 52 EDECORR 12 EBCDIC correlation
94 5E ECDSUBT 4 EBCDIC subsystem type
98 62 ECDFCN 8 EBCDIC function name
106 6A ECDSUBN 8 EBCDIC subsystem name
114 72 EDESSPM 255 EBCDIC subsystem parameter
369 171 EDEACCT 143 EBCDIC accounting info
512 200 EDE_ PROCEDURENAME 18 EBCDIC procedure name (filled if EDE_ProcedureNameLong has not been filled)
530 212 EDE_PERFORM 8 EBCDIC Perform=value
538 21A * 2 * Reserved
540 21C EDE_PRIORITY 4 binary Subsystem priority in binary format. Contains X'80000000' if the subsystem did not provide a priority.
544 220 EDE_ PROCESSNAME 32 EBCDIC process name
576 240 EDE_ SchedulingEnvironment 16 EBCDIC scheduling environment
592 250 EDE_ SchedulingEnvironment_ Len 1 EBCDIC length of EDE_SchedulingEnvironment
593 251 * 3 * Reserved
596 254 EDE_ SubsystemCollectionName 8 EBCDIC subsystem collection
604 25C EDE_PackageNameLong 128 EBCDIC package name - long version
732 2DC EDE_ PackageNameLong_Len 2 binary length of EDE_PackageNameLong
734 2DE EDE_ProcedureNameLong 128 EBCDIC procedure name - long version
862 35E EDE_ ProcedureNameLong_Len 2 binary length of EDE_ProcedureNameLong
864 360 EDE_ClientIPAddress 39 EBCDIC client IP address
903 387 EDE_ClientIPAddress_Len 1 binary length of EDE_ClientIPAddress
904 388 EDE_ClientUserID 128 EBCDIC client user ID
1032 408 EDE_ClientUserID_Len 2 binary length of EDE_ClientUserID
1034 40A EDE_ClientTrxName 255 EBCDIC client transaction name
1289 509 * 1 * Reserved
1290 50A EDE_ClientTrxName_Len 2 binary length of EDE_ClientTrxName
1292 50C EDE_ClientWksName 255 EBCDIC client workstation or hostname
1547 60B * 1 * Reserved
1548 60C EDE_ClientWksName_Len 2 binary length of EDE_EDE_ClientWksName
1550 60E EDE_ClientAccounting 512 EBCDIC client accouting information
2062 80E EDE_ClientAccounting_Len 2 binary length of EDE_ClientAccounting