Coded example

The following Assembler code example calls the Data Set Decompression Interface Service twice. The first call obtains the required length of the output area for the specified decompressed set-of samples. The second call performs the decompression.

This sample code assumes that register 2 points to the address of the compressed set-of-samples. It can be included in your installation's data retrieval code.
* Assuming, register 2 points to the compressed set-of-samples
         MVC      INRECA,0(R2)         Pointer to input record
* Calls Decompress Routine to retrieve the length of the
* uncompressed record.
         LA       R1,OUTAREA           Address of uncompressed record
         ST       R1,OUTRECA           Stores address in parmlist
         MVC      OUTRECL,INITLNG      Length of uncompressed record
         LA       R1,PARMADDR          Parameter to R1
         LINK     EP=ERB3RDEC          Invokes decompress routine
* Checks Return Code
         ST       R15,RETCODE          Saves return code
         CLC      R15,=F'4'            Checks return code
         BNE      PROCESS              Output area NOT too small
* Allocates required output area
         L        R3,OUTRECL           Required output length
         SR       R4,R4                Subpool 0
         GETMAIN  RU,LV=(3),SP=(4)     Get storage
         ST       R1,OUTRECA           Address of uncompressed record
* Calls Decompress Routine
         LA       R1,PARMADDR          Parameter to R1
         LINK     EP=ERB3RDEC          Invokes decompress routine
* Checks Return Code
         ST       R15,RETCODE          Saves return code
         LTR      R15,R15              Tests return code
         BZ       PROCESS              Decompress successful
* Decompress not successful. Releases output area
         L        R2,OUTRECA           Area address
         L        R3,OUTRECL           Area length
         SR       R4,R4                Subpool 0
         FREEMAIN RU,LV=(3),A=(2),,SP=(4)
PROCESS  DS       0H
* Check return code and process the decompressed record here.
* OUTRECA contains the address of the uncompressed record and the
* return code from ERB3RDEC is in RETCODE.
* Declarations for the coding example above
INITLNG  DC       F'100'               Initial length
OUTAREA  DS       CL100                Initial output area
PARMADDR DC       A(PARMLIST)          Address of parameter list
RETCODE  DS       F                    Return code
         CNOP     2,4                  Alignment
PARMLIST DC       H'12'                Length of parameter area. This
*                                      field has to be initialized
*                                      with the decimal value 12.
INRECA   DS       F                    First word. It has to be
*                                      initialized with the address of
*                                      the compressed set-of-samples.
OUTRECA  DS       F                    Second word. It has to be
*                                      initialized with the address of
*                                      the output area which holds the
*                                      uncompressed set-of-samples.
OUTRECL  DS       F                    Third word. It has to be
*                                      initialized with the size of
*                                      the output area. ERB3RDEC will
*                                      return the size of the un-
*                                      compressed set-of-samples in
*                                      this field.
* Registers
R0       EQU      0
R1       EQU      1
R2       EQU      2
R3       EQU      3
R4       EQU      4
R5       EQU      5
R6       EQU      6
R7       EQU      7
R8       EQU      8
R9       EQU      9
R10      EQU      10
R11      EQU      11
R12      EQU      12
R13      EQU      13
R14      EQU      14
R15      EQU      15